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But both Fletcher and Shakespeare, in their use of this phrase, unusual as it now seems to us, have only exemplified the custom referred to by our contemporary legal authority, "And so we commonly use to saye, when wee finde one doing of an unlawfull act, that we tooke him with the maynour"; though this must doubtless be understood to refer to persons of a certain degree of education and knowledge of the world.

As the calf grows, it leaves its mother's embrace, but swims close beside, following with automatic precision every twist and lurch of her body, its own helplessness and its implicit faith in the wisdom and protective influence of its parent being exemplified in every movement.

One of the pleasantest things I have lately met with, in a vagabond course of shy metropolitan neighbourhoods and small shops, is the fancy of a humble artist, as exemplified in two portraits representing Mr. Thomas Sayers, of Great Britain, and Mr. John Heenan, of the United States of America. These illustrious men are highly coloured in fighting trim, and fighting attitude.

Along with this goes a new personal ideal, exemplified in Emerson, accepting the present world as the symbol and instrument of a celestial destiny. "Contenting himself with obedience, man becomes divine." In the Gospel history, the figures of the woman and the child take a high place. In Jesus himself the feminine element blent with the masculine.

In this is exemplified that he fully understood the reverence which was due to the great Architect of the universe. Solomon Longboard, also a Tuscarora Sachem, took an active part in the Revolutionary war, with many others of his nation.

The same pre-potency of the variety was still more markedly exemplified in the progeny of two of the other children, Marie and George. In these instances, therefore, the variety, as it were, leaped over one generation to reproduce itself in full force in the next. Finally, the purely pentadactyle Andre was the father of many children, not one of whom departed from the normal parental type.

For on the Continent, quite contrary to their practice in their own island, Corsicans quickly become friends. This fact was clearly exemplified on the present occasion. As long as della Rebbia and Barricini remained in Italy they were close friends.

The salubrity of the climate is reflected in the sturdy character of the peasantry, and exemplified by numerous cases of unusual longevity.

With his concurrence I have detached the fleet brigade, and the men belonging to it have returned to their vessels. The excellent service performed by this detachment has fully realized my wishes, and exemplified the efficiency of the organization infantry and light artillery handled as skirmishers.

'What is a man profited if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul; or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? He, too, has recognized that ideal type of human excellence, which the Great Teacher of old revealed and exemplified; he has found scientifically, he has found in the universal law, that divine dogma, which was taught of old by One who spake as having authority One who also had looked on nature with a loving and observant eye, and found in its source, the Inspirer of his doctrine.