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There may be some planet, whose social habits are different, where it might work well enough; but here it is not to be thought of except in poetry, of course, or novels. Of all human relations, the idea of such love is certainly the fittest for verse, therefore we have no choice; we must use it.

Except over a comparatively small area an army operating in the United States would meet with the same obstacles as did the soldiers of Cromwell and Turenne.

"He will give you nothing, good people, not even a glass of schnappes, I tell you candidly so keep the boat if you wish I will not say a word about it, except that it is lost. He is not likely to see it again. Besides, you can alter it, and paint it."

It is much the same as it is with the causes of things which can be seen rationally, yet not clearly except by means of effects; for causes are in effects, and by means of effects make themselves visible; and until causes are thus made visible, the mind is not assured respecting them. In what follows, the effects of this correspondence will be described.

He still had a pocketbook full of those issued by Miles Grendall; but it was now an understood thing at the Beargarden that no one was to be called upon to take them except Miles Grendall himself; an arrangement which robbed the card-table of much of its delight.

I truly believe that prior to the time of her meeting with Manners she had never spoken an untruth, nor since that time I also believe, except when driven to do so by the same motive. Dorothy was not a thief, but I am sure she would have stolen for the sake of her lover.

National work in Germany means war work pure and simple, and now the women are treated exactly as the men in this respect, except that they will not be sent to the front. In January, 1917, Germany at length began formally to organise the women of the country to help in the war.

The English sat together, the French sat together; the Russians were apart; and the Americans in still another section. There was no real intermingling, no real camaraderie, except among the individual groups. There was much hand-shaking of course, and greetings and perfunctory politeness, but no genuine friendliness.

It is entirely nude, except for a cloak that hangs down from the left shoulder; in the left hand, it holds a globe; the right arm is extended.

The names of these I cannot pretend to give, except the monarch of them all, in size and majesty of flight, the albatross, of unsullied white, as its name implies the king of the southern ocean.