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The general structure of Everyman and some of its fellows, heightened and made more dramatic, gave us Marlowe's Faustus. There perhaps the influence ends. The rise of a professional class of actors brought one step nearer the full growth of drama.

The Society repertoire of plays given during the last five years includes a considerable variety dramatists so far apart as Shakespeare and Tagore; the old English moralities of "Everyman" and "Eager Heart"; the old Indian epic-dramas of "Sakuntala" and "Savitri"; together with Sheridan's "Rivals" and scenes from "Emma" and "Ivanhoe."

Quoted by Austin Dobson, Op. cit., 100. Dedication of The Fatal Secret. The Novelist's Magazine, XIII, 106. Quoted by W. Forsyth, Novels and Novelists of the Eighteenth Century , 211. J.C. Dunlop, History of Prose Fiction, edited by H. Wilson, II, 568. Monthly Review, V, 393, October, 1751. Letters from the Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Everyman edition, 392.

Now ideals are supposed to be the essence of morality and morality comes to us through experience, and only experience tests its truth. The story with a moral is generally neither literature nor morality, except such unique examples as The Pilgrim's Progress or Everyman.

While allowing him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper added he cared nothing for any empire, ours or his, and considered no Irishman worthy of his salt that served it.

Cornish was a capable dramatist, as well as a musician and a poet; and he, unlike the author of Everyman, wrote plays simply to amuse the court and its guests. He has even been called the founder of the secular English drama. The court of Henry VIII. became especially fond of the Interlude, which was a short play, often given in connection with a banquet or other entertainment.

Though a character in one of these allegorical plays might be called "Everyman," it was one particular man who walked and talked upon the boards; and he evoked sympathy not so much for the type as for the individual.

Then seeing that go he must, Everyman thinks that at least he will have company on the journey. So he turns to his friends. But, alas, none will go with him. One by one they leave him. Then Everyman cries in despair: "O to whom shall I make my moan For to go with me in that heavy journey?

I love him; I love every man who gave me, or helped to give me the liberty I enjoy tonight; I love every man who helped me put our flag in heaven. I love every man who has lifted his voice in any age for liberty, for a chainless body and a fetterless brain. I love everyman who has given to every other human being every right that he claimed for himself.

"You are not particularly concerned, Weener?" "I don't know any reason why I should be," I retorted. "I sold your product in good faith and I am not responsible " "Oh, blind, blind. Do you imagine one man can suffer and you not suffer? Is your name Simeon Stylites? Do you think for an instant what happens to any man doesnt happen to everyman? Are you not your brother's keeper?"