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And passion by itself is a noble thing, sir; but poverty and passion together poverty and feeling poverty and pride the poverty one is not born to, but falls into; and the man who ousts you out of your easy-chair, kicking you with every turn he takes, as he settles himself more comfortably why there's no romance in that hard every-day life, sir!

But when she mentioned Madame Lavaux, the name linked itself at once with recent memories and emotions, and its accustomed association with her every-day life made it a rallying point, as it were, for her scattered ideas.

While their teaching was distinctively ethical and religious, it was also very practical and utilitarian. As pastors and advisers of the people, they drew their principles and ideals from Israel's prophets, and applied them to the practical, every-day problems of life.

It is true we have numerous works, and valuable ones too, on Canada; but I refer to that part of history which gives a picture of the people, their habits and customs, which takes you into their homes and unfolds their every-day life.

And let it be remembered that the miraculous, the supernatural of to-day becomes, as in the process of evolution we leave the lower for the higher, the commonplace, the natural, the every-day of to-morrow; and, truly, miracles are being performed in the world to-day just as much as they ever have been. And why should we not to-day have the powers of the foremost in the days of old?

"Go forth to the remedy as I did, in the full confidence that God can, and will, send His blessing upon it." The quiet of Sunday was over, and Helstonleigh awoke on the Monday morning to the bustle of every-day life. Mr. Jenkins awoke, with others, and got up not Jenkins the old bedesman, but his son Joseph, who had the grey mare for his wife. It was Mr.

And Love the key-note of the theme to which I had set my mistaken life in tune Love was only a graceful word used to politely define the low but very general sentiment of coarse animal attraction in short, poetry such as mine was altogether absurd and out of date when confronted with the facts of every-day existence facts which plainly taught us that man's chief business here below was simply to live, breed, and die the life of a silk-worm or caterpillar on a slightly higher platform of ability; beyond this nothing!"

The theory of the quality of the human mind, with its every-day, jerky reasoning powers and its submerged, smooth intuitions, finds its strongest support in such an individual. The subliminal mind, psychologists tell us, reaches out into daily life when the normal intelligence is in abeyance as in sleep or profound relaxation. It is practically unerring.

She had never dared to think or to speak of the past, and as little of the future. She had gladly flung herself into the details of every-day life. She had given her mind to the study of all that it required. She loved the Doctor, because he was always leading her on to fresh fields, always exciting her to a new knowledge. She loved him, too, for himself, for his tenderness and kindness to her.

Corydon mastered new lists of German words, and they read Freitag's "Verlorene Handscrift" together, and von Scheffel's "Ekkehard", and even attempted "Iphigenie auf Tauris" though in truth they found it difficult to detach themselves to quite that extent from the world of every-day.