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Besides, it seemed better to be with her than alone in that woods. Tavia decided she would humor her. "Of course, we shall all fly, some day," she said, as the girl turned almost upon her. "I would love to learn how!" "You shall! I will teach you! My airship is not far away." "Do you know the road to Everglade?" asked Tavia, without the slightest hope of getting an intelligent answer.

Even the whales of the deep sea, the walrus of the arctic regions, the condors of the Andes and alligators of the Everglade morasses are no exception to the universal rule. In Mr. Downham's book there is much fallacious reasoning, and many conclusions that are not borne out by the facts.

"I have been stopping there," answered Dorothy, now completely mystified by the young woman's manner. "Is your name " "My name is Dorothy Dale, and for some reason I have been hidden away from my friends," said Dorothy bravely. "I was just about to ask you to assist me to get back to them. I was in camp at Everglade."

The creature which the cat held in its claws was clearly a rabbit, little and jet black, unlike anything which either of the boys had ever seen before. "I've heard of these little Everglade rabbits," said Ned. "Tommy told me of a key in the Everglades where there were plenty of them. If we had time we might look it up." "How much time have you got, Neddy?"

There is a supervisor in the Everglade district " she stopped a moment, and then continued tranquilly "he was very intimate at first. I thought he wanted to help me to get on in the school. But he wanted other things. Perhaps when he doesn't succeed that will be the end." "It'll blow over," the dentist said encouragingly. "If the supervisor troubles you much, I'll see Mahoney.

Happily the days are past when such things are done, but a few years ago, before the law intervened, men who were making money by getting valuable timber, and other products, from the Southern forests, stopped at little in order to obtain the necessary labor. Tom was taken to the Everglade camp, which explains why the calls of the girls did not reach him.

Hair-Face had now joined us, and the four of us plunged on, we knew not whither, deeper and deeper into the swamp. Of our wanderings in the great swamp I have no clear knowledge. When I strive to remember, I have a riot of unrelated impressions and a loss of time-value. I have no idea of how long we were in that vast everglade, but it must have been for weeks.

The season, which to him has usually been one of repose and preparation for renewed conflict, has been vigorously occupied by incessant and harassing pursuit, by penetrating his hiding places and laying waste his rude dwellings, and by driving him from swamp to swamp and from everglade to everglade.

I was camping at Everglade and I have had a dreadful time of it since I fell, and was picked up by that old farmer." Dorothy's eyes were full. She had made up her mind, since her escape from the Hobbs house, that she must wait wait until those around her saw their mistake.

Payne found tracks of a size which he judged must be Garman's. The thousand acres which Payne had purchased from the Cypress Company was found to run northward far enough to include the fairyland of Flower Prairie. The eastern line was where the elderberry jungle and Everglade water met and on the west the line was well out on the sand prairie. "That's where you may have some trouble, Mr.