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With this understanding that the task of sex-education is the ever-advancing improvement of sexual conditions in individual as well as in social life, let us turn now to consider the possible lines for definite educational attack on the chief problems of sex.

They trekked, and trekked and trekked again; but the flag of England emblem of all they hated was close by; behind, beside, in front, or over them; and the something which they could not fight the ever-advancing tide of civilization lapped at their feet, and slowly, silently, and for ever blotted out the line where they had written, 'Thus far and no further.

Strange medley everywhere in this main street, at all events of old and new! Here were the Trinity almshouses, with their Jacobean gables and their low, spreading quadrangle behind the fine ironwork that shelters them from the street a poetic fragment from the days of Wren and Dryden, sore threatened now by an ever-advancing London, hungry for ground and space.

'He is not here: he is risen. That power which we knew, that soaring intelligence, that soul of fire, that ever-advancing spirit, that cannot have been suddenly annihilated with the decay of these earthly organs. It has left its darkened dust behind. It has outsoared the shadow of our night.

A sudden wave of sanity, a panic chill of sober understanding swept over this vast multitude of still unreasoning souls who had traded so long upon this impossible supposition of an ever-advancing market. Reason still lacked among them, yet fear and sudden suspicion were not wanting. Man after man hastened swiftly away to sell privately his shares before greater drop in the price might come.

Stopping short, he leaned over to one side, and stooping slightly, caught LeNoir low and tossed him clear over his head. LeNoir fell with a terrible thud on his back, but was on his feet again like a cat and ready for the ever-advancing Macdonald. But though he had not been struck a single blow he knew that he had met his master.

This interesting degeneration theory much discussed at that time, but almost forgotten now was formed in 1875 with the aim of harmonising the results of evolution and ever-advancing Darwinism with religious belief.

Out through the blackness of the night the flame-light quivered in long, bright streams over the endless lines of ever-advancing waves, but revealed to the watchers no ship, no boat, no tokens even of wreck, only the ceaseless reaching upward of the beckoning white hands; and the wind bore no sound, save at intervals the dull distant boom of the cannon.

It is her skill that is assimilating the children of our alien population. It is her strength that is lifting bodily each generation to the ever-advancing race levels. Her work must be the main source of the inspiration that will impel the race to further advancement.

The service would have been pronounced by any modern aesthetic religionist or religious aesthete, which is it? to be crude and cold: to me, coming fresh from the ever-advancing developments of a London church under a soi-disant 'Catholic' Rector, it was unspeakably refreshing.