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"Maybe I will in the evenin'. It was about you an' Peggy, the darlin'. But how will you manage in regard of brakin' the oath, an' sthrikin' a brother?" "Why, that I couldn't get over it, when he sthruck me first: sure he's worse off. I'll lave it to the Dilegates, an' whatever judgment they give out, I'll take wid it."

"That's true," answered the captain, "but when a man, after bein' so low that he seems to be bound for the next world, finds the tide risin' again, the feelin' is apt to come stronger, d'ee see? D'you expect to make the fleet to-day?" "Yes, sir, we should make it in the evenin' if the admiral has stuck to his plans."

Thus it continyoos ontil thar comes a evenin' when a jimcrow marshal, with more six-shooters than hoss sense, allows he'll apprehend Cochise's brother a whole lot for some offense that ain't most likely deuce high in the category of troo crime.

In the evenin' he made a confession that tipped off the way his mind was workin'. "This is the first time I ever felt nervous before a race," said he. "Mebbe it's because it's goin' to be my last race; mebbe it's because that Injun knows me and ain't scared of me. Anyhow, I'm scared of him. That open-faced, Elgin-movement buck has got me tickin' fast."

She had been so kind and sweet to him this morning. Hardy ambled into the room, and looked around in the most casual way. His eye lit upon Uncle Henry first of all, naturally; for he had all but bumped into him. "How are you, Smith?" he said. "Evenin'." And Angela piped up, to both uncle and nephew: "Good evening." Gilbert bowed. "How do you do? Won't you sit down?"

The conversation between the two young men as they returned from their labor, was short but expressive. "Bartle," said Connor, "are you afeard of thundher? The rason I ask," he added, "is, bekase your face is as white as a sheet." "I have it from my mother," replied Flanagan, "but at all evints such an evenin' as this is enough to make the heart of any man quake."

Why, Cunnel, I knowed a man who laid behind two rocks 'n' fit all day long with nine bullets in him, 'cause his son war in the cabin jest below, 'n' both war a-holdin' off a passel of fellers. But to'ard evenin', when the ole man seed the fellers rush in 'n' drag his boy out, 'n' kill 'im thar afore his eyes, he rolled right over hisse'f 'n' died 'n' he hadn't been hit since dinner.

And about evenin' she looked up into her father's face and knew him and she said somethin' about lovin' him so and somethin' about the beautiful garden, and the happy children there, and then she looked away from us all with a smile, and I spozed, and I always shall spoze, that the Divine One a-walkin' in the cool of the evenin' in the garden, the benign Presence she saw there, happy in the children's happiness, drew nearer to her, and took her in his arms for it says

Most of them were asleep, but one was tossing about and crying in piteous tones: "Hab'ich noch'n Arm, oder hab'ich keinen?" "'E's bin at it for 'ours, pore bloke. Arst 'im what 'e wants I 'xpect it's somethin' ter do with 'is arm what they took orf early in the evenin'." I asked the man what he wanted and noticed that his right arm had been taken off at the shoulder.

The house door stood open as Gratton had left it, and the two entered hastily. Jim looked from face to face with keen, shrewd eyes, ignored Jarrold, who said a mirthful "Evenin', Jim," and turned to Gloria for explanation. "Miss Gloria wanted " began Gratton. But Jim Spalding lifted a big hand as though to ward off the words. "I'm here, miss," he said when Gloria's white face only stared at him."