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He had a vigorous growth of short-clipped, iron-gray hair, and a bristly iron-gray mustache, very short, keen, intelligent blue-gray eyes; a florid complexion; and even-edged, savage-looking teeth, which showed the least bit in a slightly wolfish way when he smiled.

The breadfruit trees I have no doubt bear all the year round: we have seen a scarcity of breadfruit but have never been wholly without it. Some fern-root was shown to me which in scarce seasons is used by the natives as bread. It bears a long even-edged leaf about an inch wide; the taste somewhat resembled that of a yam.

Men write of and wonder at the strange gap between what are called the Paleolithic and the Neolithic ages, that is, between the ages when the spearheads and ax and arrowheads were of stone chipped roughly into shape, and the age of stone even-edged and smoothly polished. There was really no gap worth speaking of.

This beautiful little Scalaria is deserving of particular notice on account of the analogy and representation which it exhibits with the S. clathratulus of the seas of the Northern Hemisphere. It is dedicated to the author of the Voyage of the Fly. New Genus MACGILLIVRAYIA, Forbes. Aperture oblong, entire, angulated below; peristome incomplete, thin, even-edged.