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I's so'y to see dee ol' place go, but you got to go out of it wid yo' haid up, jes' ez ef you was gwine away fo' a visit an' could come back w'en evah you wanted to." "I shall slink out of it like a cur. I can't meet the eyes of the new owner; I shall hate him." "W'y, Miss Mime, whaih's yo' pride? Whaih's yo' Ha'ison pride?" "Gone, gone with the deed of this house and its furniture.

D'yuh reckon that theah was evah ary white man, ceptin' he were sick er asleep, that passed in his chips to sech a passd o' pulin' polecats like this yeah bunch we've jes' been bendin' ouah guns ovah? Gawd! Ken, I'll stink o' gawlic fer a week!

He ain't got a chance just then they get away, 'n' he turns back to me when he hears the crowd holler, 'They're off! "'Young man, he says, pointin' at me, 'n' he's shakin' like he's cold. 'What have Ah evah done to you to merit such treatment at yoh hands? "I see there's no use to lie to him, so I gives it to him straight. "'Mr.

"I didn't know white folks evah done nothin' they didn't want to do," commented Sally. "But doan' you mind. Ef you wants me, jes' call for Sally." "Tell me, Sally, isn't there any Mrs. Dunwody here?" demanded Josephine suddenly. The face of the old woman remained inscrutable, and Josephine could see no sign except that a sort of film crossed her eyes, as though veiling some inmost thought.

She's playing the same chord in the bass straight through." "Is that what makes the fearsome discord?" he asked. "It makes me think of an epitaph I once saw carved on a pretentious headstone in a little village cemetery: "'Here lies one Who never let her left hand know What her right hand done." "Neithah of Laura's hands will evah find out what the othah one is trying to do," whispered Lloyd.

"I reckon that were thu best jawb yuh evah done, Lew," says the cowboy with much conviction. Ballard, dropping his eyes unaccountably, hesitates long over his selection of a fresh weed. "What the hell else was there to do?" he says gruffly. But the recording angel, looking kindly and indulgently at the honest face, smiles softly and forgets the pen in his hand.

Don't you know dat fried meat is de bes' kin' in de worl'? W'y, de las' fambly dat I lived wid dat uz ol' Jedge Johnson he said dat I beat anybody fryin' he evah seen; said I fried evahthing in sight, an' he said my fried food stayed by him longer than anything he evah e't. Even w'en he paid me off he said it was 'case he thought somebody else ought to have de benefit of my wunnerful powahs.

"Ain' you evah gwine shut yo' eyes?" "Daisy, sing," said Fiddle. "I'se sung twel my th'oat's dry," said Daisy. And just then Mary came in. "Isn't she asleep, Daisy? I'll take her. Bannister's John is down-stairs and wants to see you." "Well, I ain' wantin' to see him," Daisy tossed her head; "you jus' take Miss Fiddle whilst I goes down and settles him. I ain' dressed and I ain' ready, Miss Mary.

Life without wo'k, o' interest, o' fren's, o' ambition, o' love that ain't livin'! If you-all evah tried it, you'd know. I 'ain't been so chee'ful in yeahs as I've been sence I made up my mind to 'quit, as you-all call it." "You've got health, haven't you?" demanded Maxwell. "Yes." Maxwell brought his hand down on the desk with an air of finality. "Then you've got everything.

The darky chuckled. "Ah done fohgot 'em befoh you evah asted 'em, suh. Thank you, suh!" As I passed into the big, central living-room, Paisley came in. "What was this I saw in The Sun?" he asked. "The sort of rot that nasty sheet always prints," I said. "Nothing to it of course. I thought not. You don't feel like golfing?" I shook my head. "Not to-day, old chap.