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Some of it was taken up with criticisms of his thought products of a leisurely age when the thinkers of Europe were a brotherhood, calling to each other across the dim populations; some represented the more deferential doubts of disciples or the elegant misunderstandings of philosophic dilettanti, some his friendly intercourse with empirical physicists like Boyle or like Huyghens, whose telescope had enlarged the philosopher's universe and the thinker's God; there was an acknowledgment of the last scholium from the young men's society of Amsterdam "Nil volentibus arduum," to which he sent his Ethica in sections for discussion; the metropolis which had banished him not being able to keep out his thought.

The system of Spinoza, as developed in his "Tractatus Theologico-politicus," and, still more, in his "Ethica," a posthumous publication, may be said to contain the germs of the whole system both of Theological and Philosophical Rationalism which was subsequently unfolded, in the Church, by Paulus, Wegscheider, and Strauss, and, in the Schools, by Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.

JEAN COLERUS, "Vie de Spinoza," reprinted by Saisset, p. 4. SPINOZA, "Ethica," Definitions III., IV., V. "Il construit le systéme entiere des êtres avec ces trois seuls elements; la substance, l'attribut, et le mode." "Voila l'idée mere de la metaphysique de Spinoza." SAISSET, "Introduction," p. SPINOZA, "De Intellectus Emendatione." This treatise contains the exposition of his method.

The following is a list of the works of Aristotle: ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS Edited by T Taylor, with Porphyry's Introduction, 9 vols, 1812, under editorship of J A Smith and W D Ross, II vols, 1908-31, Loeb editions Ethica, Rhetorica, Poetica, Physica, Politica, Metaphysica, 1926-33 Historia Animalium Schneider, 1812, Aubert and Wimmer, 1860; Dittmeyer, 1907

Ethica: Of Morals to Nicomachus, by E. Pargiter, 1745; with Politica, by J. Gillies, 1797, 1804, 1813; with Rhetorica and Poetica, by T. Taylor, 1818, and later editions. Posterior Analytics, E. Poste, 1850; E. S. Bourchier, 1901; On Fallacies, E. Poste, 1866. Youth and Old Age, Life and Death and Respiration, W. Ogle, 1897. De Partibus Animalium, W. Ogle, 1882.

The Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata, in five parts, treats of God, of the nature and origin of the mind, of the nature and origin of the emotions, of human bondage or the strength of the passions, of the power of the reason or human freedom.

Epiala and lipparia were febrile conditions concerning which there seems to have been much difference of opinion, even in the days of Gilbert. Apparently they were distinguished by variations of external and internal temperature, or by chills combined with fever. Febris ethica is our modern hectic fever.

We do not object merely to the geometrical form of his reasoning, that is a mere accessory, and one which renders the "Ethica" much more dry and less attractive than the "Tractatus," in which he gives free scope to his subtle intellect, unfettered by any such artificial plan, but we object to the essential nature of his system, to the a priori and deductive method by which he attempts to solve some of the highest problems of philosophy respecting God, Nature, and Man.

His metaphysical system, as expounded in his principal work, "Ethica," merges everything individual and particular in the Divine substance, and is thus essentially pantheistic.

We produce at length the definitions and axioms of the first book of the 'Ethica, and they may judge for themselves: By a thing which is causa sui, its own cause, I mean a thing the essence of which involves the existence of it, or a thing which cannot be conceived except as existing.