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And do you know, and can you tell me where he is gone? Erard. No, papa. Only he said, when he set out for I was awake and heard him "Go by way of the heath." "He is then gone to Waldhaus," said Ethbert; "since the heath is on the direct road to the chateau." These are the fruits of Christian love! It is active, fervent, and does not put off until to-morrow the good that may be done to-day.

Ethbert did not at first speak of Theobald; and it was not until morning, after his master had awakened and had with Ethbert lifted his soul to God in prayer, that the servant pronounced the name of Rothenwald, lamenting the ruin of that beautiful and splendid dwelling.

The flame of the torches, which wavered in the evening breeze, now struck a projection of the rock, which seemed to assume the form of a man, now penetrated behind the trunks of the pines, which appeared like ranks of soldiers. The imagination of Erard was excited: he scarcely breathed, and felt his heart sink when Ethbert, who was walking before, exclaimed, "Here he is! He is dead!"

O, what a work of his wonderful love! Yes, God himself guided your noble father and your son to the Stag Cliffs at the moment when Theobald, flying before the two chevaliers, passed through the defile of the wood; and your father summoned Matthew and myself to descend there with him. How wonderful are the ways of the Most High! But, Ethbert, did you not say that he was dead? Ethbert.

Say, simply, Theobald and you may also say, his friend, his humbled and repentant friend. "Arnold! Arnold!" exclaimed the chevalier; "do you hear my voice? O, why can I not come to you, and ask your pardon?" "Theobald," was heard through the partition, "I am coming! Ethbert! Ethbert!"

"Avenge not yourselves," he says again to his beloved. Theobald, still more astonished. Your words trouble me. Is it then a crime to destroy an adversary? Ethbert. Cain rose up against his brother Abel; and it was because the works of his brother were good, but his own were evil. The Christian does not hate. The Christian does not avenge himself. Theobald. Am I then not a Christian?

His mind was troubled; but having sent away his son, he said to the servant, "Ethbert, God has given you wisdom. Go, therefore, now, to the chevalier, and bear him, in the name of the Lord, the salutation of Arnold. You will also say to him, that my great desire, my true and cordial desire, is to come to him. But say nothing of my father."

I did not dare to give it to you at first, because I did not know whether Ethbert "Embrace me, my child," said Arnold; "and go, and tell my good father, that I entreat him to come to me." Erard. O, dear papa, grandpapa would have come before but he went away in the night, with two servants, in a carriage. Arnold. My father went away in the night, Erard!

It was from Arnold that his father was to learn all that concerned him; and it was not until the next day, and in the afternoon, that Gottfried, having summoned Erard and Ethbert, listened with them to the narrative of his son. Matthew remained with the chevalier. "You know, my father," said Arnold, "that I went forth against my will.

Arnold, the Lion, will, therefore, bless the Lord, when he learns that the Iron-Hearted was not killed, and that he was taken, a living man, from the spot where he fell. "Ethbert! is that the truth?" said Arnold, seizing the arm of his servant.