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But, peradventure, if the covenant had been made with the lord of the manor, who had inheritance in the manor, ou issint come determination poit estre fait, it would be otherwise," which was admitted. /1/ It was assumed that the covenant was not so made as to attach to the manor, and the court, observing that the service was rather spiritual than temporal, were inclined to think that the heir could sue. /2/ The defendant accordingly over and set up a release.

"Comme vostre principal objet doit estre de faire la guerre sans relache aux Anglois, il faut que vostre plus particuliere application soit de detourner de tout autre employ les Francois qui sont avec vous, en leur donnant de vostre part un si bon exemple en cela qu'ils ne soient animez que du desir de chercher a faire du proffit sur les ennemis. Le Ministre a Villebon, Avril, 1692.

Son cuer ne doit estre de glace, Bien que elle ait de Neige le sein.

La ioye qui se ressent a ces entreueues semble estre quelque image du contentement des bien-heureux a leur arriuee dans le Ciel, tant elle est pleine de suauite." Scarcely had the new-comers arrived, when they were attacked by a contagious fever, which turned their mission-house into a hospital.