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Upstairs in his room he got out his few elementary text-books, and began to read with a sort of sullen determination; but he had not gone very far in the 'descent of an estate-tail, before he shut the book up in a passion: 'I can't read to-night, he said savagely; 'it isn't easy to hug my chains all at once; it will be a long time before I come out strong on estates-tail. I loathe it!

V did not deem it advisable to attempt to fathom further the relations between the brothers, especially as Wolfgang's face and conduct and voice plainly showed that he was shaken to the very depths of his nature by diverse violent passions. Late in the evening V had occasion to go up to the Freiherr's room in order to learn his decision about some matter or other connected with the estate-tail.

After a short preamble the deceased Freiherr Hubert von R declared that he had never possessed the estate-tail as its lawful owner, but that he had only managed it in the name of the deceased Freiherr Wolfgang von R 's only son, called Roderick after his grandfather; and he it was to whom, according to the rights of family priority, the estate had fallen on his father's death.

November had already come in when the Baroness, along with Roderick and his betrothed, arrived at R sitten. The formal surrender of the estate-tail to the young Baron took place, and then his marriage with Seraphina was solemnised.

Hubert was prevented revealing to the world the dishonest and deceitful way in which he had acquired possession of the estate-tail by the shame and disgrace which would have come upon him; but he would not rob the rightful owner of a single penny more.

I am now lord of the estate-tail, but my heart is rent with pain I can I shall never be happy. I confirm you in your office; you shall be invested with the most extensive powers in respect to the management of the estate, upon which I cannot bear to live." Hubert left the room, and in two or three hours was on his way to K .

One hundred and fifty thousand Imperial thalers in old Fredericks d'or, money saved from the revenues of the estate-tail of R sitten; this sum has been set aside for the building of the castle. R sitten, on Michaelmas Eve of the year 1760. RODERICK, FREIHERR von R.

The testament in question, therefore, was nothing more than an evidential statement, written down and deposited with the court, to the effect that Freiherr Wolfgang von R had bequeathed the estate-tail to a son who was at that time still living; and accordingly it had as evidence no greater weight than that of any other witness, and so could not by any possibility legitimately establish the claims of the person who had announced himself to be Freiherr Roderick von R . Hence it was rather the duty of this new claimant to prove by action at law his alleged rights of inheritance, which were hereby expressly disputed and denied, and so also to take proper steps to maintain his claim to the estate-tail, which now, according to the laws of succession, fell to Baron Hubert von R . By the father's death the property came at once immediately into the hands of the son.