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Vast new possibilities open to the race; the traditional life of mankind, its traditional systems of association, are challenged and threatened; and all the social thought, all the political activity of our time turns in reality upon the conflict of this ancient system whose essentials we have here defined and termed the Normal Social Life with the still vague and formless impulses that seem destined either to involve it and the race in a final destruction or to replace it by some new and probably more elaborate method of human association.

Unless there happened some social cataclysm, involving a newly democratized world in ghastly chaos, which after all was a remote possibility, the externals of gentle life would undergo very slight modification. Yet there was something fundamentally wrong in Peggy's conception of post-war existence. Something wrong in essentials.

Jacob felt a gradual fading away of impressions of need. He was comfortably settled at Shechem. He was surrounded by a wild, godless household who cherished their idols, and he knew that if he went to Bethel idolatry must be given up. The essentials to communion and service. Surrender. Purity. Must bury idols under oak. 4.The reward of sacrifice and of duty discharged.

Such glimpses of life and scene are as vivid as the vignettes revealed by the search-light, when its arm slowly explores a mountain-side or the shore of a lake and brings objects for a brief moment into high light. To secure this single strong impression, the writer must decide which of the three essentials plot, character, or setting is to have first place.

Patrick had always possessed that supreme gift of being able to separate the grain from the chaff to distinguish unerringly between essentials and non-essentials, and now, in the quiet, wise counsel of an old letter, Sara found an answer to all the questionings that had made so bitter a thing of life.

"Why, the fellow's got brains GOOD brains," was his inward comment again and again as Culver unfolded the information he had collected clear, accurate, non-essentials discarded, essentials given in detail, hidden points brought to the surface.

An Elizabethan might well be astonished by what he would see at any modern Lloyd's. Yet he would find the same essentials; for the British Lloyd's, like most of its foreign imitators, is not a gigantic insurance company at all, but an association of cautiously elected members who carry on their completely independent private business in daily touch with each other precisely as Elizabethans did.

On the whole, I think that my best course is to wait, and to prepare for some expedition which shall be more deliberate and better thought out than the last. As a first step I have been to Castleton and obtained a few essentials a large acetylene lantern for one thing, and a good double-barrelled sporting rifle for another.

With him I believe that three essentials absolute purity of pitch, equality of tone and sonority of tone, in connection with the bow are the base on which everything else rests. "Sevčik's purely soulless and mechanical system has undoubtedly produced a number of excellent mechanicians of the violin. But it has just as unquestionably killed real talent.

All that is the matter with it is that so many Senates have sat on it. Reduce it to its lowest terms, boil it down, boil even a Senate down to one human being being human boil it down to a baby even and what it would do would be deep, direct and wise. A baby would at least keep on being human and close to essentials. And that is all there is to it.