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I mean the subsistence of a thing by itself, and essentialized in itself; and such are essence and life, intellect, soul, and body. For body, though it does not subsist from, yet subsists by itself; and through this belongs to the genus of substance, and is contra-distinguished from accident, which cannot exist independent of a subject.

Scarcely ever has the binary form, the combat between two contradictory themes, been more essentialized. Scarcely ever has the prelude-form been reduced to simpler terms than in the preludes of Scriabine. These works are indeed radical. For they give us a fresh glimpse of the archetype of their forms. And yet, how strange, how infinitely complex and novel a thing they are.

Just as the form of the concerto seems to have given his sense of the violin a play apparently denied it by the smaller mediums, so these larger orchestral forms seem to have liberated his imagination, his orchestral genius, and made him poet of his folk indeed. His personal quality, spread more thinly in his songs and tone-poems, is essentialized and developed in these other works.

And yet the result of both these artists' endeavours one all for colour and the other all for form is by the synthesis of genius a Venice more Venetian than herself: Venice essentialized and spiritualized. It was from this bridge that one Sunday morning I watched the very complete removal of a family from the Giudecca to another domicile in the city proper.