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"Yes, but that will not impede my Spaniard's heart, my Cardinal's nephew's heart from bleeding grievously.... Shall we go to the cafe, Abbe?" "Yes, let us go." They left the hotel and entered a cafe in the Piazza Esedra. Preciozi made a vague move to pay, but Caesar would not permit him to. "What do you wish to do?" said the abbe. "Whatever you like."

Laura took her brother's arm, they went out on the Piazza Esedra, and entered the hotel. The Valencian family of Guillen was really fecund in men of energy and cleverness.

At the other end of the dining-room a young Neapolitan with the expression of a Pulcinella and violent gestures, raised his sing-song voice, talking very loud and making everybody laugh. After lunching, Caesar went out to post some cards, and as it was raining buckets, he took refuge in the arcades of the Piazza Esedra.

On the consoles and cabinets gleamed objects of majolica and porcelain. The big window of this salon opened on the Piazza Esedra di Termini. Caesar and Laura looked out through the glass. It was beginning to rain again; the great semi-circular extent of the square was shining with rain.

They looked out one of the salon windows. It was a detestable night, raining and hailing; the great drops were bouncing on the sidewalks of the Piazza Esedra. Water and hail fell mixed together, and for moments at a time the ground would stay white, as if covered with a thin coating of pearls.

On a plan of the city, hung in a newspaper kiosk, he found the situation of the Piazza Esedra, the hotel and the adjacent streets, and continued slowly ahead. "How many people there must be who are excited and have an irregular pulse on arriving for the first time in one of these historic towns," thought Caesar.

But if you saw a Spanish woman behave that way, it would seem wrong to you." Chattering amicably they came to the Piazza Esedra. "Would you care to have lunch with me?" said Kennedy. "Just what I was going to propose to you." "I eat alone." "I do not. I eat with my sister." "The Marchesa di Vaccarone?" "Yes."

It began again to rain disastrously; the days were made up of downpours and squalls, to the great despair of the foreigners. At night the Piazza Esedra was a fine sight from the hotel balcony.