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"One more kiss, lassie," said the man. "Mans comme to es gourmand, toi!" He kissed her savagely, hungrily. Then he lurched off the sidewalk and formed up with other men in the darkness. The Scots Guards moved next morning. I stood by the side of the colonel, who was in a gruff mood. "It looks like rain," he said, sniffing the air. "It will probably rain like hell when the battle begins."

"Ye es I reckon," he slowly returned. And then, brightening, he asked gayly: "And we'll be friends always, won't we?" "Yes," she said at last, slowly and solemnly, and another brief moment they stood still. Then the mischief danced in her eyes, and a song bubbled on her lips. She hopped to the tree. "Come eat!" she cried.

"More like little penknives," Veslovsky said playfully, never taking his eyes off her. Anna gave a just perceptible smile, but made no answer. "Isn't it true, Karl Fedoritch, that it's just like little scissors?" she said to the steward. "Oh, ja," answered the German. "Es it ein ganz einfaches Ding," and he began to explain the construction of the machine. "It's a pity it doesn't bind too.

"Haec requies mea in saeculum saeculi: Hic habitabo quoniam elegi eam." The monk laid aside his mitre and crosier and said, "Confirma hoc Deus, quod operatus es in nobis." And the postulant murmured, "A templo sacro tuo quod est in Jerusalem."

"Ain't touched a keard afore, bless her," whispered Euchre Buck, giving his neighbor Dan a nudge in the ribs to call attention to this wonderful piece of girlish innocence. "Square a deal es George Washington mought ha' made." Then, as the greasy pasteboards were turned up, and his neighbour was handed the ace of clubs, he raised his voice and yelled out, "Bully for you, Dan!

Moreover, in spite of having been an instructor in geography, he still entertained certain doubts as to the rotundity of the earth and smiled maliciously when its rotation and revolution around the sun were mentioned, as he recited the verses "El mentir de las estrellas Es un cómodo mentir."

Peter, says the legend, was invested with the primacy among the Apostles; such is the plain meaning of the Saviour's declaration, Tu es Petrus. St. Peter founded the Roman Church and instituted the Roman bishopric. To Linus, the first bishop, Peter bequeathed his Divine commission and his knowledge of the Christian verities.

Out of a high window then came the sound of a man singing, a sharp strong voice, tremulous in the open notes. She held her bosom as she heard Al entrada del tems clar, eya! Per joja recomençar, eya! Vol la regina mostrar Qu'el' es si amoroza. The sun kindled her lifted face, filled her wet eyes with light, and glistened on her praying lips. After that her duty was clear, as she conceived it.

"Comissiones, comissiones!" for instance, was murmured by a weather beaten Spaniard, with a fine bald head, from which two small tufts of grey hair stood out above his ears, and with a superb Moorish face "Comissiones es decir patentes Si hay comissiones, el Diablo, mismo, les ha hecho!" The court was apparently nonplussed not so the wigless man of law.

But I must have my babies that's part of the barg'in. No mill for them oh, Marse Ned, to think that whilst I was off, fixin' our home so nice to s'prize you all wuckin' my fingers off to git the home ready you let them devils get my babies! Git up heah" and she rapped the horse down the back with the lines. "Hurry up I'm gwine after 'em es soon es I git home."