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Only their rapiers were unchanged, the same serviceable, business-like weapons that Pignaver had seen before. The three men knelt side by side, putting on an air of devotion; and no one else was very near them. 'Tantum ergo ... began the choir, somewhere out of sight. 'I presume you mean business, my lord, said Gambardella so that the Senator could just hear him.

Under pretence of managing an income for the singers, they suppress half the stanzas of canticles and hymns, and substitute, to vary the pleasure, the tiresome divagations of an organ. "There they howl the 'Tantum Ergo' to the Austrian National air; or what is still worse, muffle it up with operatic choruses, or refrains from canteens.

Your hand, Father." "There it is; and, so long as you don't change the 'haec libertatis ergo' on your coins to 'haec religionis ergo, not one of those words need be altered." "A free country and in it religious liberty for each individual, even for you and your followers," said the burgomaster, "is what we desire.

In short, he behaves a la Mukkun, and no insight is to be had by examining his case through English spectacles; but it is our strange infirmity, being the most singular people on earth, to regard ourselves as typical of the human race, and ergo to conclude that what is good for us cannot be otherwise than good for all the world.

With what characteristic complacency did the slaveholders assume that Canaanites were Negroes and their "brethren" white? Are not Negroes servants? Ergo! Upon such spiritual myths was the anachronism of American slavery built, and this was the degradation that once made menial servants the aristocrats among colored folk.

I see some of the London journals have been attacking some of their literary people for lecturing, on the ground of its being a public exhibition of themselves for money. A popular author can print his lecture; if he deliver it, it is a case of quaestum corpore, or making profit of his person. None but "snobs" do that. Ergo, etc. To this I reply, Negatur minor.

Cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore I am immortal, that is the corollary, the translation of Ego sum qui sum: philosophy is in accord with the Bible.

"Ergo, I can scratch the mercury off a looking-glass, put in its place a piece of bibinka, and we shall still have a mirror, eh? Now what shall we have?" The youth gazed at his prompters, but seeing them surprised and speechless, contracted his features into an expression of bitterest reproach.

The latter was in his surplice, and chanted a 'Veni Creator, Salve Regina, and Tantum ergo'. These prayers over, he pronounced the blessing of the Holy Sacrament, while the marquise knelt with her face upon the ground.

This is the famous "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacy. Other relations must be weighed and the possibility of common causation must be seriously contemplated. Such sequencing is, conceptually, not even necessary: simultaneous causation and backwards causation are part of modern physics, for instance. The former is formal, the latter, presumably, physical, or mental.