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"No place in particular, but there is always something that needs doing at our house. If you call I'll give you a job." "Yais, sah, I'll be sure to call," and Eradicate walked back to where Boomerang was patiently waiting.

To men of Odo's stamp the piety of the masses was a mere superficial growth, a kind of mental mould to be dried off by the first beams of knowledge. He did not conceive it as a habit of thought so old that it had become instinctive, so closely intertwined with every sense that to hope to eradicate it was like trying to drain all the blood from a man's body without killing him.

"I always try to be a good scout with newspaper men," Hatch said, smiling. "I've had considerable experience with reporters and I've always found them square and fair. And, without speaking personally, of course, I can tell you that you reporters do more to eradicate crime than all the police in the country." "Hatch," said Brennan, ignoring the compliment, "we've had a talk with your wife."

And this is what the physician has to do, and in this the art of medicine consists: for medicine may be regarded generally as the knowledge of the loves and desires of the body, and how to satisfy them or not; and the best physician is he who is able to separate fair love from foul, or to convert one into the other; and he who knows how to eradicate and how to implant love, whichever is required, and can reconcile the most hostile elements in the constitution and make them loving friends, is a skilful practitioner.

Anyhow, dere it is. An' I s'pects we'd better git along, Boomerang." The mule never moved, though Eradicate yanked on the reins, and used a splintered whip with energy. "I said as how we'd better git along, Boomerang," went on the darkey, raising his voice, "Dinnah am mos' ready, an' I'm goin' t' giv yo' an extra helpin' ob oats." The effect of these words seemed magical.

He objected to whist, cut the cloth at billiards, sang out of tune, kept very much to himself, and wrote to his Mamma and sisters at Home. Four of these five things were vices which the "Shikarris" objected to and set themselves to eradicate. Every one knows how subalterns are, by brother subalterns, softened and not permitted to be ferocious.

Now to put this stuff where it can do no harm. Is this what that man gave you, Koku?" "That's it, Master." There came a tap on the door of the private room, and instinctively everyone started. Then came the voice of Eradicate, saying: "Dere's a army gen'men out here to see you. Massa Tom; but I ain't gwine t' let him in lessen as how you says so." "An army gentleman!" repeated Tom. "Yais, sah!

At first they feared that, after all, Ned's ingenious theory was not to be confirmed. The walls, ceiling and floor were as smooth near the edge of the river as elsewhere. But Eradicate, who was searching as eagerly as the others, went back a little, flashing his lamp on every square of stone. Suddenly he uttered a cry. "Look yeah, Massa Tom! Heah's suffin' dat looks laik a big door knob.

This was, true, and proves, it seems to me, that the greatness which surrounds the cradle of princes cannot eradicate from their minds the singular caprices of childhood. All the world is familiar with the name of the Abbe Geoffroy of satirical memory, who drove the most popular actors and authors of the time to desperation.

"I thought you'd given up the trip to the city of gold." "Oh, cheese it!" invited Tom. "Come on, now I'll help you. Where's Eradicate? I want him to go out and see that the shop is locked up." "He was in here a while ago and he said he was going to look after things outside. He told me quite a piece of news." "What was it?"