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There is no equalizer of the sexes like poverty and misery, and then it very often happens that the gray mare proves the better horse. Throughout the agricultural regions, as we passed along, the men apparently all wore petticoats; at least, the petticoats were the most active and prominent in the field occupations. I believe the pantaloons were doing the mowing.

"I know the doctor told us about it, but I guess I didn't get a very clear idea of what it was all about." "I'm not very clear on it either," admitted Bob. "But from what he said and what I've read, it seems to be a sort of equalizer, for the electric current, storing it up when it's strong and giving it out when it's weak.

Food alone is enough for one person, perhaps, talk, alone, for another; but the grand equalizer and fraternizer, which works up the radiators to their maximum radiation, and the absorbents to their maximum receptivity, is now just where it was when "The conscious water saw its Lord and blushed,"

On this lovely island, where all men should be at peace how harshly they dealt with one another! The rest of the foreign colony, undisturbed by such bitter personal reflections, appeared to bear the loss of the lady with praiseworthy equanimity. They were, in truth, considerably relieved in mind. Death is the great equalizer.

"I thought I noticed some thunderheads away off on the horizon when we first went up." "I wish you'd mentioned them then," said the straightforward Peggy; "as it is, we'll have to descend till this blows over." "What, won't even the wonderful equalizer render her safe?" "No, it won't. It will do anything reasonable. But you've no idea of the fury of the wind that comes with these black squalls."

A natural disaster is no Great Equalizer. Nothing is. Even the argument that money is "external" or "accidental" to the rich individual is weak. "He married her for her money", we say, as though the she-owner and the money were two separate things. The equivalent sentence: "He married her for her youth or for her beauty" sounds flawed.

The tank is kept supplied by two tubes which lead into it, and each of which joins a small pump operated by a fan which is right here on each side of the fuselage where the onrush of wind will keep it humming as the airplane travels. "Each equalizer has a bore in it half-filled with mercury, working a good deal like a carpenter's level.

I jumped out for a clear shot, but by then you had put your spear through the thing. I was going to add mine for good luck when I saw the bodyguard reach for the old equalizer and draw a bead on you, so I shifted targets. I looked back at you just in time to see you dangling from the stingaree like an extra tail. And right then you went boom into the piling.

We'll furnish them," he told her. "I hope they don't try to make you carry a pistol, too." "A pistol?" For a moment, she must have thought he was using some technical-jargon term, and then it dawned on her that he wasn't. "You mean ?" She cocked her thumb and crooked her index finger. "Yeah. A rod. Roscoe. The Equalizer. We all have to." He half-lifted one out of his side pocket.

"Wherefore should I hold, good fellow?" said the stranger in a smooth voice, and looking at Robin for the first time. "Because I bid you to," replied Robin. "And who may you be?" asked the other as coolly as you please. "What my name is matters not," said Robin; "but know that I am a public tax-gatherer and equalizer of shillings.