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I remember a fellow saying a very clever thing about the reasons that took a man into society. What was it, now? Let me see. It was either to look out for a wife, or or " Mr. Ogilvie was trying to recollect the epigram and to light a wax match at the same time, and he failed in both.

If the third epigram has nothing else in it, the shallow wit of your fellow-citizens is simply tedious. Now, what have we next? Trochaics! Hardly anything new, I fear! There is the water-jar. I will drink; fill the cup." But Alexander did not immediately obey the command so hastily given; assuring Caesar that he could not possibly read the writing, he was about to take up the tablets.

Take care also and it is on this account that I think you should cultivate Hortensius himself by means of Pomponius that the epigram on the lex Aurelia attributed to you when candidate for the ædileship is not proved by false testimony to be yours.

But there seems absolutely no foundation for this accusation which was probably suggested to after-detractors anxious for evidence that ingratitude, as one of them says, "was the great and unpardonable blemish of his life" by the epigram in question, in which he distinguishes his professor as "solo cognomine Major."

Thus the income of the priesthood was ten per cent. of the whole funded estate of the country, and at least a million a year more than the income of the Government. Could a more biting epigram be made upon the condition to which the nation had been reduced? Labour was more degraded than ever. The industrious classes, if such could be said to exist, were esteemed every day more and more infamous.

"I guess they wanted to make sure they were admirin' the right things," ventured Mr. Wrenn, with secret terror. "Yes, that's so," came so approvingly from the Greek chorus that the personal pupil of Mittyford, Ph.D., made his first epigram: "It isn't so much what you like as what you don't like that shows if you're wise." "Yes," they gurgled; and Mr.

In any case there was nothing to hinder polite investigation, mark time with kisses until von Stinnes brought on his promised revolution. He thought carefully. Pessimism was the proper note. Dramatize with an epigram the emptiness of life. His forte emptiness. Not love but a hunger to live. "Matty, I regret sadly that you are not a prostitute." Startling!

Importance of Marie Antoinette in the Revolution. Value of her Correspondence as a Means of estimating her Character. Her Birth, November 2d, 1755. Epigram of Metastasio. Habits of the Imperial Family. Schönbrunn. Death of the Emperor. Projects for the Marriage of the Archduchess. Her Education. The Abbé de Vermond. Metastasio. Gluck. Proposal for the Marriage of Marie Antoinette to the Dauphin.

The Law was in large part a correspondence to man's moral nature. This Rabbinic idea Lazarus sums up in the epigram: 'Moral laws, then, are not laws because they are written; they are written because they are laws. The moral principle is autonomous, but its archetype is God. The ultimate reason, like the highest aim of morality, should be in itself.

In the glasses made now, one detests one's own face; They pucker one's cheeks up and furrow one's brow, And one's skin looks as yellow as that of Miss Howe!" After an epigram that seems to have found out the longitude, I shall tell you but one more, and that wondrous short. It is said to be made by a cow.