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His chief work is in three volumes, entitledDie Entstehung der Arten auf Grund von Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften, nach Gesetzen organischen Wachsens.” It is a polemic against Weismannism in all details, even to the theory ofgerminal selection.” Eimer follows in the footsteps of St.

We read of judges in the seventeenth century who believed that witches ought to be burned and that the persons before them were witches, and yet would not burn them evidently under the influence of vague half-realized feelings. Rhys Davids. This Arab was clearly under the influence of Plotinus or some other Neo-Platonist. E. Reisch, Entstehung und Wandel griechischer Göttergestalten. Vienna, 1909.

And as man from a genealogical point of view belongs to the Catarrhine or Old World stock, we must conclude, however much the conclusion may revolt our pride, that our early progenitors would have been properly thus designated. Haeckel has come to this same conclusion. See 'Uber die Entstehung des Menschengeschlechts, in Virchow's 'Sammlung. gemein. wissen. Vortrage, 1868, s. 61.

He sought to explain the rise of the episcopal organisation by the example of the synagogue. Ritschl in his Entstehung der alt-catholischen Kirche, 1857, had seen that Baur's theory could not be true. Christianity did not fall back into Judaism. It went forward to embrace the Hellenic and Roman world.

We must agree with the spokesman of "Uranism" that some of the most prominent men known have been inverts and perhaps absolute inverts. In the conception of inversion the pathological features have been Separated from the anthropological. J. Halban, "Die Entstehung der Geschlechtscharaktere," Arch. für Gynäkologie, Bd. 70, 1903. See also there the literature on the subject.