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The greed for close quarters which is the emotion of a bayonet charge, came then into the minds of the men and developed until it was a madness. The field, with its faded grass of a Southern winter, seemed to this fury miles in width. High, slow-moving masses of smoke, with an odour of burning cotton, engulfed the line until the men might have been swimmers.

Houses may burn, fortunes be engulfed, fathers return from distant lands, empires may crumble away, the cholera may ravage cities, but a maiden's love wings its way as nature pursues hers, or that alarming acid which chemistry has lately discovered, and which will presently eat through the globe, if nothing stops it.

That anybody could have a definite idea whither he was going in this ocean of trees, that engulfed them all like stones dropped into the sea, Done found it hard to believe. 'You're a curious kind of devil, Jim, said Mike, who had been watching Done closely during the last few minutes. 'How's that? 'You don't talk. Worse still, you don't smoke.

I was informed that some years back a French gentleman who visited these springs ventured too near the liquid mud, when the crust gave way and he was engulfed in the horrible caldron.

Then he softly opened the second door, stepped inside, and as softly closed the door after him. He found himself in perfect darkness. But he stood there, waiting, before venturing to move forward, before daring to strike a light. He knew, as he peered about the blackness that engulfed him, that he was now facing more than an indeterminate responsibility.

It was rather dreadful perhaps to reflect that if all that brilliant expanse of fashion and beauty had been engulfed in the hidden Thames it could have been instantly replaced by as much more, not once but a score of times. I will not pretend that this thought finally drove me from the scene, for I am of a very hardy make when it comes to the most frightful sort of suppositions.

"I used to do that when I was a girl," said Rosalie's mother. All Rosalie's impatience was drowned and utterly engulfed in a most dreadful flood of emotion. She set down the case on the bed and flung herself on her knees beside her mother and clasped her arms about her. "Oh, mother, mother! Oh, beloved little mother!" But that is out of its place.

'A queer dusky night, he said, 'with hardly a star, and that great moon pouring silver down the lake. 'I shall never see that lake again, but I shall never forget it, and as he dozed in the train, in a corner of an empty carriage, the spectral light of the lake awoke him, and when he arrived at Cork it seemed to him that he was being engulfed in the deep pool by the Joycetown shore.

The blessed birthright from God, the glory of heaven, the teaching and example of the Prince of Peace have been engulfed beneath oceans of ignorance and superstition through two thousand years of embittered controversy. During the dark ages coming down even to our own time the very light of truth was shut out from the eyes and hearts and minds of men.

"I say," Gordon muttered nervously, "you look a bit lonely, come and have some ginger beer." "Orl right. I don't mind. Give us your arm!" They rolled off to a neighbouring stall, where Gordon stood his Juliet countless lemonades and chocolates. He felt very brave and grown-up, and thought contemptuously of Davenport in bed dreaming some fatuous dream, while he was engulfed in noise and colour.