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Ivan Matveitch probably ascribed to some other feeling to a feeling of grief or gratitude what was expressed in my face, and as though wishing to comfort me, he patted me on the shoulder, at the same time, as usual, gently repelling me, and observed: 'Voyons, mon enfant, du courage! Nous sommes tous mortels! Et puis il n'y a pas encore de danger.

«Mais le pied de cette montagne est encore, comme celui de Saleve, couvert de grandes couches presque perpendiculaires

On ne s'attendait pas que l'auteur du Pays d'amour, et le traducteur de Rodriguez, entreprît dans sa jeunesse le premier dictionnaire de faits qu'on eût encore vu. Ce grand travail lui coûta la vie... Mort en 1680. Voltaire's Works, ed. 1819, xvii. 133. Johnson looked upon Ana as an English word, for he gives it in his Dictionary.

'You'll get left. But the nightmare thickened. Hamlet and his mother opened their mouths and sang. Their songs were light and gay, and held encore verses to reward the enthusiastic. The actors, like the audience, were leisurely; here midnight and the closure were not synonymous.

"Ces caractères ont été constatés sur trois squelettes de l'espèce nouvelle, un mâle et une femelle adultes et un jeune mâle. Nous n'avons pas encore été

Let a friend need his time, his money, his advice, it was immediately at his service; but let that same friend be taken away by death, he would scarcely give two days to regret: 'Encore un tiroir fermé', he would say, and there would end his sensibility. Always ready to give and willing to serve, he was a good companion, and benevolent and gay in his temper.

You can if you want to." After a brief struggle she felt his muscles relax. "Ah ... Tu m'aimes encore! Tu m'aimes encore!" "Sh-sh let me go, Thérèse ..." "No, no ..." A moment later, in the gloom, Thérèse's wide chiffon sleeve caught on something. "Be careful what is that?" The little table toppled over with a crash.

A young lady, prettily dressed and pleasant to look at, recited a poem about a certain "nursie" who in the course of her professional duties tended one "Percy." In the second verse nursie fell in love with Percy, and, very properly, Percy with her. In the third verse they were married. The audience shouts with laughter, yells applause, and wants to encore.

The delirium was in things and in the acts of men; her mind was never hurried from its sane self-possession, when the facts raved. It was only when she used the rhetoric ready to her hand that she stooped to verbal violence; et encore!

"It is true, I were a better foe to Germany if I kept my counsel and let Ekstrom continue to play double." The music ceasing, to be followed by the inevitable clamour for more, Lanyard offered an arm upon which Sophie rested a detaining hand. "No wait. We dance this encore. I have more to say." He submitted amiably, the more so since not ill-pleased with himself.