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May that light, brighter than Bolognian Phosphorus, Preserve him from the Athanor, Empyreuma, and Reverberatory Furnace of the other world, Depurate him from the Fæces and Scoria of this, Highly Rectify and Volatilize, his æthereal spirit, Bring it over the Helm of the Retort of this Globe, place in a proper Recipient or Crystalline orb, Among the elect of the Flowers of Benjamin; never to be saturated till the General Resuscitation, Deflagration, Calcination, and Sublimation of all things.

Walnut Water. Dr. Sully, of Wiveliscombe, a very eminent medical practitioner, in a letter to the editor of the Taunton Courier, has communicated the mode of preparing this article, which has been found so effectual a remedy in subduing nausea and vomiting: "Take a quarter of a peck of walnuts at the time they are fit for pickling; bruise them, and, with four ounces of fresh angelica seeds, put them into an alembic, with a bottle of French brandy, and enough water to prevent empyreuma, or burning; distil from this mixture a quart, which is called walnut water, and administer a wineglass-full to the patient, to be repeated every half-hour till the vomiting ceases."

V. The senses of smell and taste in many other animals greatly excel those of mankind, for in civilized society, as our victuals are generally prepared by others, and are adulterated with salt, spice, oil, and empyreuma, we do not hesitate about eating whatever is set before us, and neglect to cultivate these senses: whereas other animals try every morsel by the smell, before they take it into their mouths, and by the taste before they swallow it: and are led not only each to his proper nourishment by this organ of sense, but it also at a maturer age directs them in the gratification of their appetite of love.

In the manufacture of rum from the molasses, which are separated during the first process of the operation, there is no danger of deterioration in the production of empyreuma, and a far purer spirit is obtained than that made from ordinary molasses. This improved process is now in complete and successful operation on eight estates in Demerara.