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Aunt Abby looked disappointed. She had hoped for something more exciting. But she said, "I'll get it," and went at once to Sanford Embury's room. "Thank you," said Fibsy, as he took it. But his eager scrutiny failed to disclose any trace of jam on its sleeves. "Which arm did you bite?" he asked, briefly. "I didn't really bite at all," Miss Ames returned.

"Yes, it did. I turned the knob afterward to make sure. I always do that." Ferdinand now seemed to be as discursive as he was reticent before. "And I know Miss Eunice's Mrs, Embury's door was locked, because she had to unbolt it before I could get in this morning." "But look here," Driscoll broke in, "are these doors on that snap-bolt all day? Isn't that rather an inconvenience?"

Stone, a 'man of straw, as you call it, is much more easily built up than knocked down." Elliott spoke sternly. "I hold you have no right to assume Mrs, Embury's identity in this story Miss Ames tells." "Is there anything that points to her in your discernment by your five senses, Miss Ames?" Stone asked, very gravely. "Has Mrs, Embury a faintly ticking watch?"

"Never mind about materialization, if he can get in touch and get a message for me. You see I haven't said much about this but Mr. Embury's spirit appeared to me as as he died." "What?" "Yes; just at the moment his soul passed from earth, his astral body passed by me and paused at my bedside for a farewell." "You amaze me! You are indeed psychic. Tell me about it."

"And you may remember that I have not! But I will and right now. And it is simply that since you refuse me the pleasure and convenience of some money for everyday use, I shall get some from another source." Embury's eyes narrowed, and he surveyed his wife with a calm scrutiny. Then he smiled. "Stenography and typewriting?" he said; "or shall you take in plain sewing?

He looked out of the rear windows, which faced on the court; out of a window that faced on the side street, peeped into the bathroom, and then hurried back to Eunice's own room. Here he observed the one large window, which was a triple bay, and which, of course, opened on the court. He glanced at Embury's closed door, and then returned to the living-room, and again faced his audience.

But, you see, my room has no outlet except through Mrs, Embury's bedroom, so as the door between her room and mine was never locked, it really made little difference to me." "Oh, is that the way of it?" and Dr. Crowell rose in his hasty manner and dashed in at Eunice's door. This, the middle room, opened on the right to the boudoir, and on the left to Embury's room.

Eunice flew across the room and stood before him, her whole body quivering with intense rage. "I forbid it! I am Sanford Embury's wife, and as such I have rights that shall not be imposed upon! I will have no police dragged into this matter.

"Get through with your squabbling, little boys," she said, gaily, with a saucy smile at Hendricks and a swift, perfunctory kiss on Embury's cheek, and then she went away with Mason Elliott. They walked a few blocks in silence, and then Elliott said, abruptly: "What were you and Sanford quarreling about?" "Aren't you a little intrusive?" but a smile accompanied the words.

Embury's room do his deadly work and return again, without waking the ladies " "Not only that, but how could he get in the window?" said Eunice. "There's no possible way of climbing across from the next apartment oh, I'm honest with myself," she added, as Stone looked at her curiously. "I don't deceive myself by thinking impossibilities could happen.