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May 8, is still celebrated in this section of Mississippi, as the official emancipation day. Relief for the hundreds of slaves of Gay came at last with the declaration of freedom for them. The government officials divided the grown and growing crops; and some land was parcelled out to the former slaves.

He had one of those figures which seem to give and take. He was well nourished, gifted conversationally, of a nimble wit, resourceful, apt. Moreover, home-grown watermelons were ripe. The Eighth of August, celebrated in these parts by the race as Emancipation Day, impended.

One of the unconscious causes of his fascination was just her emancipation from and innocence of that herd-convention to which most women even those who lack wedding rings are slaves. The force of such an appeal to a man of Ditmar's type must not be underestimated.

At the time of the Emancipation the peasants were convinced as I have mentioned in a previous chapter, that the Tsar meant to give them all the land, and to compensate the landed proprietors by salaries. Even when the law was read and explained to them, they clung obstinately to their old convictions, and confidently expected that the REAL Emancipation would be proclaimed shortly.

We may speculate, wrangle, and contend about slavery in the United States for centuries to come, without bringing relief to the slave; for after all, there is but one course which can ensure relief to the servant, the master, and the nation but one course by which we can bring about universal emancipation, and secure at the same time the peace, happiness and prosperity of the Union; and that is obedience on the part of ministers of the gospel, masters and servants, to the requisitions of God's word.

"Certainly it is not so easy to pay something as it is to pay nothing; but it is easier to pay a large sum than it is to pay a larger one. And it is easier to pay any sum when we are able, than it is to pay it before we are able. The War requires large sums, and requires them at once. "The aggregate sum necessary for compensated Emancipation of course would be large.

Steadily engaged in study of the Soul and in acquiring Emancipation, and firm in knowledge, he had arrived at fixed conclusions in respect of truth.

Tell me, O grandsire, what is that good thing which should be sought." "'Bhishma said, "In this connection, O king, is cited the old narrative of a discourse between sire and son, O Yudhishthira! One day, the son, well conversant with the truths of the religion of Emancipation, and acquainted also with the affairs of the world, addressed his sire devoted to the study of the Vedas.

In the few months which immediately followed the publication of the Emancipation Edict in 1861, Karl Karl'itch found much to confirm his most gloomy apprehensions. The peasants showed themselves dissatisfied with the privileges conferred upon them, and sought to evade the corresponding duties imposed on them by the new law.

Having continued in Great Britain and Ireland nearly two years, and being about to return to America not as I left it, a slave, but a freeman leading friends of the cause of emancipation in that country intimated their intention to make me a testimonial, not only on grounds of personal regard to myself, but also to the cause to which they were so ardently devoted.