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Ormiston and John Knott followed engaged in close conversation, the rugged, rough-hewn aspect of the latter presenting a strong contrast to the thin, tall figure and face, white and refined to the point of emaciation, of the diplomatist. Julius March, accompanied by Camp still carrying his tail limp and his great head rather sulkily brought up the rear.

He had completely lost count of time, was a skeleton and nearly naked. This was only one case from perhaps a hundred similar. This man appeared in tolerable health as to body, his emaciation excepted. * The discipline of the prisoners by the British was in many respects of the most shocking and appalling character.

The ruddy glow under her skin had given place to, the roundness of her form had gone, and its pallor; beauty remained only because she had a figure which not even emaciation could have deprived of lines of alluring grace. But she was no longer quite so straight, and her hair, which it was a sheer impossibility to care for, was losing its soft vitality.

The faces in the line were not those of people starving they had been saved from starvation. There was none of the emaciation which pictures of famine in the Orient have made familiar; but they were pinched faces, bloodless faces, the faces of people on short rations. To the Belgian bread is not only the staff of life; it is the legs.

But the healthful leanness, characteristic of the race, had become emaciation; there was the studious unkemptness of mourning upon them, and they, who had ridden once, before the plagues of murrain and hail, traveled afoot. They were evidently journeying to On, where the benevolence of Ra would feed them. They said nothing, looking a little awed at the soldier and puzzled at the stela.

It would have been a hard thing to recognise Zoroaster in the man who sat day after day beside the spring, absorbed in profound meditation. His tall figure was wasted almost to emaciation by fasting and exposure; his hair and beard had turned snow-white, and hung down in abundant masses to his waist, and his fair young face was pale and transparent.

He had expected to come upon a huddle of blond plumpness, an inanimate mass of forceless flesh robbed of its bovine suavity by inactivity. What he saw was a body thin to emaciation and a face drawn into a tight-lipped discontent. The old curves of flesh had melted, displaying the heaviness of the framework which had supported them.

The thrush generally shows itself towards the close of the disease, attacking the tongue, the tonsils, and the soft palate, and is a sure harbinger of approaching death. Emaciation rapidly sets in. In girls, provided they have been previously regular, menstruation gradually declines, and then entirely disappears. What are the causes of consumption?

Death is usually due to generalization of the arthritic infection. In the meanwhile, if the character of the infectious material is not so virulent, the disease will take on a slower course and the subject may experience laminitis from supporting weight upon the sound member, or because of continued recumbency, decubital gangrene and emaciation sometimes cause death.

On such occasions, he issues forth in a state of extreme weakness and emaciation. Not unfrequently he is altogether unable to clear away the obstacle, and perishes in his den. On hearing these explanations from the Quan, who appeared to be well acquainted with Bruin's habits, the young hunters were satisfied that a bear was really in the cave.