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But I couldn't help saying to myself, What do you keep writing books for, when the stalls are covered all over with 'em, good books, too, that nobody will give ten cents apiece for, lying there like so many dead beasts of burden, of no account except to strip off their hides? What is the use, I say?

"But when is it liable to come?" "Come? How do I know? How does anybody know?" snapped Susan tartly. "Look a-here, Mis' McGuire, you must excuse me from discoursin' particulars. We don't talk 'em here. None of us don't." "Well, you needn't be so short about it, Susan Betts. I'm only tryin' to show a little sympathy. You don't seem to realize at all what a dreadful thing this is. My John says "

"Raise up!" shouted Si. "Forward! Forward! Jump 'em. Jump 'em before they kin load agin!" Loading his gun with the practiced ease of a veteran as he rushed forward, Si led his squad directly against the position of the rebels.

She wuz a good, virtuous girl then, any way. And she resented his overtoors in such a indignant and decided way that it drawed the attention of a hull lot of brothers and sisters towards 'em. And Deacon Lathers got right up from his knees and sez, "Bretheren and sisters, let us sing these lines: "He did it all to try her faith."

"Boltt sells a tremendous number of books, don't you, Boltt? More than Lensley does. And that shows, doesn't it? If a chap can sell as many books as Boltt sells ... well, he must be some good. I've never read any of 'em, of course, but then I'm not a chap that reads much. All the same, a chap I know says Boltt's all right, and he's a chap that knows what he's talking about.

Somehow, the comment on the broken glass seemed to deprive "owd Dickey Bulmer's" personality of its real menace. "I'm sorry," she said, and stooped to pick up the fragments scattered over the carpet. "Leave that alone," came the sharp order. "So long as I've the brass to pay for 'em, there's plenty more where that kem from, an' in any case, it's the 'ousemaid's job. Leave it alone, I tell you!

In this way they were encouraged to habits of economy, perseverance, and sprightliness. "I don't own a nigger," he said, "not one! But I don't think a nigger's much too good to be a slave. I won't be bothered with owning 'em. And I won't be conquered into 'the institution. I said, when I commenced, that I should not buy niggers, and I won't buy niggers, because I said so!

All round it lie the wild woods. Go through the woods for two or three hundred miles and you'll come to another such post, or fort, as we sometimes call 'em. That's how it is all the country over. Although there are many of them, the country is so uncommon big that they may be said to be few and far between. Some are bigger and some are less.

"Yes, sir," muttered Burgess; "I brought back some things last night them socks, shirt-pins and studs, and the fob. . . . Yes, sir; I fetched 'em back, I did " A sudden and curious gleam of pride crossed the smirk for an instant; "I guess my gentleman ain't agoing to look no worse than the next Fifth Avenue swell he meets even if he ain't et no devilled kidneys for breakfast and he don't dine on no canvas-back at Delmonico's.

How did you get here to this very island where the doubloons were buried?" "Are they here?" asked Parmalee eagerly. "Do you know?" "Sh!" whispered Drew. "Don't say a word. We have 'em pecks of them! And jewels and other stuff besides enough to make us all as rich as Midas." "Humph!" commented Parmalee, with sudden gravity. "And he had asses' ears.