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Two soft arms seized him from behind; a sickening breath was on his cheek; a smooth face pressed his; and a fawning treble was saying in his ear with appalling tenderness, "Let ole George elp you, Lovey." The Parson stamped up and down the loft, gnawing his thumb. Those long shots from the rear had ceased half an hour ago. A tall Grenadier drooped across the wall.

He quickly extended the butt of his rod to his father, and dragged him safe to land, to poor Eve's inexpressible relief. "What d'ee mean by that, Bob?" demanded Tim fiercely, as he sprang towards his companion. "Cain, if you please or call me son, if you prefers it," cried Bob, as he ran out of his friend's way; "but don't be waxy, father Adam, with your own darlin' boy. I couldn't 'elp it.

'But the feelin' in my mind is that my toes is 'urtin' most orful, an' I'd like to 'ave 'em buried if it's goin' to 'elp any. 'Oh, come, Benny, that's all nonsense, yeh know, sez the doctor, puttin' 'im off. But father is terr'ble persistent, an' 'e keeps on an' sez, 'Don't 'is mind know 'e hain't got no toes, doctor?

'E's quite a 'andy young feller, an' tender-'earted: 'e won't leave yer like this, no fear. . . . But, o' course, it'll be a shock to 'im, 'appenin' in upon us an' findin' well, so much more'n 'e expected. I'm thinkin' 'ow to break it to 'im gently, 'ere in the dark." Tilda considered for a while. "It might 'elp if I knew yer name.

The Lord's everywhere, east, west, north, south, why he's with us at this very minute!" and Twitt raised his eyes piously to the heavens "He's 'elpin' you an' me to draw the breath through our lungs for if He didn't 'elp, we couldn't do it, that's certain.

"This is your first visit to our social evenings, ain't it? I expect you feel a bit shy, but there's no cause to, I promise you that." She did her best to make people feel at home. She slapped them on the shoulders and laughed a great deal. "Ain't I a pickle?" she cried, turning to Philip. "What must you think of me? But I can't 'elp meself."

Smith fell down at once, and afore we could 'elp ourselves the door was open, the tramp was inside, and John Biggs was running up the road, shouting 'is hardest. "We 'ad the door closed afore you could wink a'most, and then, while the tramp lay in a corner 'aving brandy, Mrs. Smith got a bowl of water and a sponge and knelt down bathing 'er husband's 'ead with it.

At this Dick grew warmer and more boisterous, maintaining that the boys ought not to pay Bob the stipulated price since they were so late in starting. "Hif folks haint ready I can't 'elp it," said Bob. "Who wasn't ready?" demanded Constance Faber. "You didn't wait for me, I know." "And you didn't wait for me or Mat Snead," added Sarah Ketchum, "because we walked down to meet the wagon."

When Peter said as 'ow all gals was deceivers, he said he'd known it for years, but they was born that way and couldn't 'elp it; and when Ginger said that no man ought to marry afore he was fifty, he corrected 'im and made it fifty-five. "I'm glad to 'ear you talk like that," ses Ginger. "So am I," ses Peter.

If either of you 'ad 'ad the misfortune wot I've 'ad, I'd have sold the clothes off my back to 'elp you. And I wouldn't 'ave waited to be asked neither." He stood there for a minute very sorrowful, and then 'e patted both their 'eads and went downstairs. Ginger and Peter lay listening for a bit, and then they turned their pore bound-up faces to each other and tried to talk with their eyes.