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"DEAR MARION, I have time for but a line, for I want to catch the morning mail. I have such a nice plan. Suppose you let your Gracie come and stay with me for a few weeks. You know she always liked me a little, and Evan and I think we can make it pleasant for her. I will try to get her so much interested in seven boys whom I know that she will forget all about Professor Ellis. Mr.

Well, in that way, you see, he reminds me of General Rolleson in the book." "Look here, Mrs. Ellis. Tell me about this business of Dad's marrying my mother. I never knew much of anything about it." "You didn't? Did your pa never tell you?" "No." "Humph! That's funny. Still, I don't know's as 'twas, after all, considerin' you was only a boy. Probably he'd have told you some day.

Upon leaving the office, which was on the second floor, Tom met Ellis coming up the stairs. It had several times of late occurred to Tom that Ellis had a sneaking fondness for Clara. Panoplied in his own engagement, Tom had heretofore rather enjoyed the idea of a hopeless rival.

He even tried to persuade the twins to invite him to lessons; but that they firmly declined. "You'll like being our tutor, I think," Diavolo observed during this first tea. "He will if we like him," said Angelica significantly. "Are we going to?" Diavolo asked. "Yes, I think so," she answered, taking another good look at Mr. Ellis. "I like the look of that red in his hair."

But he never spoke to Ellis and made no comment on the matter to anybody. One evening, when the field was about half done, Ellis went home more than usually tired. It had been a very hot day. Every bone and muscle in him ached. He wondered dismally if he would ever get to the end of that wretched elderberry field. When he reached home Jacob Green from Westdale was there.

That'll start him, and I'll see that he goes into the woods fur enough, so that the rest of you can rush up, grab every man his turkey, and skedaddle. Winch 'll show you the way; he says he knows the pen. 'Charge, Ellis, charge! On, Harris, on! Shall be the words of private John. But who'll go first to the house?" asked Seth, coming down from the high key in which he usually got off his poetry.

Ellis says, of the Tahitians, 'the body of the dead man was ... placed in a sitting posture, with the knees elevated, the face pressed down between the knees,... and the whole body tied with cord or cinet, wound repeatedly round. The binding may originally have been meant to keep the corpse, or ghost, from 'walking. I do not know that Tahitian prophets were ever tied up, to await inspiration.

Gertrude coloured, for it was Mrs. Ellis's voice, and her tone was very derisive. Emily stepped to the door, and opened it. "Mrs.Ellis." "What say, Emily?" "Is there anyone below?" "Yes; a young man wants to see Gertrude; it's that young Sullivan, I believe." "Willie!" exclaimed Gertrude, starting forward.

Colonel Ellis is an enthusiastic soldier: and, though young, served in Spain and at Waterloo. "And so we held our Christmastide With mirth and burly cheer." December 26. Colonel Ellis and I took a pretty long walk round by the glen, etc., where I had an extraordinary escape from the breaking down of a foot-bridge as I put my foot upon it.

Ellis, a young man, just entered Parliament, from whom great things are expected. Mr. Wilmot, and Mr. Frere Lady Ebrington and Lady Mary Ryder Lord Harrowby, most agreeable conversation. Folding doors thrown open. The Duke of . Post letter must go. To MISS RUXTON. April 2, 1819.