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His mother gave Dion a swift considering look, and then at once began to consult him about Jimmy's hip. The visit ended with an application by Dion of Elliman's embrocation, for which one of the hotel page-boys was sent to the nearest chemist. "I say, mind you come again, Mr. Leith!" vociferated Jimmy, when Dion was going. "You're better than doctors, you know." Mrs.

She heard the blows he was receiving; they sounded like a hammer hitting wood; and then later she saw him limping painfully from the room probably in search of some Elliman's embrocation. But, as I say, she didn't realise it. . . . She only thought him a silly old man. . . ." "Old," said Vane slowly. . . . "How old?" "About fifty," said the girl vaguely. Then she looked at Vane.

I offered the cheerily indignant warrior apologies for my friend's parabolic method of descent, and suggested Elliman's Embrocation. "The most extraordinary part of it," he interrupted, "was that when I picked him up he was weeping like anything. What was he crying about?"

Dion had never happened to tell Daventry about Jimmy Clarke's strained hip and his own application of Elliman's embrocation. He had told Rosamund, of course, and she had said that if Robin ever strained himself she should do exactly the same thing. That night, when the Daventrys had gone, Dion asked Rosamund whether she thought Beattie was happy.

"I was thinking of Elliman's Embrocation; but it's petrol, of course." "There must be gallons of it here," said Gorman. "Thousands of gallons." Phillips, stretching his arms wide, began to make rough measurements of the cisterns. "Now why on earth," said Gorman, "should the Emperor want to store up huge quantities of petrol in this cave?"

Silent, unassuming fellows, too, not welcoming me with a smile even, nor with the slightest demonstration of friendliness beyond a grip of the hand that made me begin to feel glad that I had brought my "Elliman's" with me. It is a peculiarity at least, we think it a peculiarity of the Western man, that he rarely smiles.