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It came upon him like a breath of frost stealing up out of the darkness to one who, standing in a room lit and warmed by a glowing fire, opens a window and lets in for a moment a winter night. But he shut his window quickly, and he turned to look at the fire and to warm his hands at its glow. Mrs. Clarke rapidly established a sort of intimacy with the Daventrys.

He shook hands with the Daventrys and Miss Bunce last of all, thanking them very heartily for their assistance; then, calling for a clear space, he followed Rodier to his seat.

To the occasional protests of his friends he laughingly replied: "The fact is we're both very happy at home. We're an unfashionable couple." Bruce Evelin, Esme Darlington and a few others, including, of course, Dion's mother and the Daventrys, they sometimes asked to come to them. Their little dinners were homely and delightful; but Mr.

A few nights after her call the Daventrys dined in Little Market Street, and Daventry, whose happiness had raised him not only to the seventh-floor flat, but also to the seventh heaven, mentioned that she had been, and that they were going to dine with her at Claridge's on the following night.

Dion had never happened to tell Daventry about Jimmy Clarke's strained hip and his own application of Elliman's embrocation. He had told Rosamund, of course, and she had said that if Robin ever strained himself she should do exactly the same thing. That night, when the Daventrys had gone, Dion asked Rosamund whether she thought Beattie was happy.