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Indeed, as time passed by, they drew closer and closer together, for Poker became more sedate, and, consequently, a more suitable companion for his ancient friend. The dogs formed a connecting link between the Buzzby and Ellice families constantly reminding each of the other's existence by the daily interchange of visits.

One evening, after crossing the line, they descried a suspicious-looking schooner to windward, bearing down upon them under a cloud of canvas. "What do you think of her, Buzzby?" enquired Captain Ellice, handing his glass to the seaman. Buzzby gazed in silence and with compressed lips for some time; then he returned the glass, at the same time muttering the word: "Pirate."

It was apparently a scene of the most complete and instantaneous destruction, yet, strange to say, not a man was lost. A few seconds after, the white foam of the sea was dotted with black heads as the men rose one by one to the surface, and struck out for floating oars and pieces of the wrecked boat. "They're lost!" cried Fred Ellice in a voice of horror.

We will therefore leave Captain Ellice and his wife and son to pour out the deep feelings of their hearts to each other, and follow the footsteps of honest John Buzzby, as he sailed down the village with his wife and children, and a host of admiring friends in tow.

"I wrote to my people, as soon as Colston left, telling them I'd determined to remain in Canada; but if it wasn't for Ellice, I think I'd quit farming." Prescott smoked in silence for a while. Jernyngham had made a costly sacrifice, chiefly on the woman's account, and Prescott felt sorry for him. "Perhaps I'd better get on," he said after a while.

Roberts, aged 85, their accountant, and with their solicitor, the able and honorable Mr. Maynard, of the old firm of Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street, City. I had many interviews; and on the 17th March, 1863, I met the Governor, Mr. Ellice, jun. Matheson and Mr. Maynard. They showed me a number of schedules, which they called "accounts." Next day I had a long private interview with Mr.

"She's bringing a breeze along with her," remarked the captain, "but I fear the boats will come up before it reaches us. There are three in the water, and manned already. There they come. Now, then, call up all hands." In a few seconds the crew of the West-Indiaman were at their stations, ready for action, and Captain Ellice, with Fred at his elbow, stood beside one of the stern-chasers.

Not saying that Della Lisle, whose waist you could not "span with your two hands," had foolishly contributed to make less its natural size, but it was painfully suggestive of weakened lungs and an early translation. Ellice, on the contrary, possessed a low, plump figure, all curve and dimple, with no appearance of angularity or stiffness.

This little attention, we may remark, was paid designedly, for the old woman liked it, and the youth knew that. "They have enough to make them happy for the winter," said Captain Ellice, as he turned to leave the hut. "Faix they have. There's only two things wantin' to make it complate." "What are they?" inquired Fred. "Murphies and a pig, sure. That's all they need."

"I'd go back to Hurst Dormer and stick there, whether I wanted to or not." Ellice, pedalling homeward, went more slowly now she was clear of the village. She wanted to think it all over in her mind, and arrived at conclusions. At first she had thought that Joan Meredyth and Johnny too had deliberately cut her dead. But that was folly; they had cut her, but then in this matter she had not counted.