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If a red-headed woman was alowed to shed her lite, the proffessors would be throwed into the shades rite lively. The result would be, the blind would lead the near-sited by the nose. Them's my sentiments." Stephen L. Fostir got up and said: "He woulden't go to the poles on eleckshun without his wife as his ekal a hangin' on his arm." Mrs.

See that the kripples air provided with carriages. Go to the poles and stay all day. Bewair of the infamous lise whitch the Opposishun will be sartin to git up fur perlitical effek on the eve of eleckshun. To the poles and when you git there vote jest as you darn please. This is a privilege we all persess, and it is 1 of the booties of this grate and free land.

Whereas: When Mother EVE got there, she made it slightly warm for Adam, by assertin' her rites. Like many of our members, she made Adam "walk chalk." On eleckshun day she took him by the ear and walked him to the poles, and for the first time in his life he voted the woman's rites ticket, and Mr. SATIN was elected by a unanimous vote.

How then rose and got up, and said: "Feller citizens: We've got together, as usual, without any plan of operation, except to howl and make faces at the critter man, ontil he is ready to give up his liberties and endow us angelic beeins with the privilege of fillin' up with benzine on eleckshun day; to vote and rool the destinies of the land."

It was like their "snoopin'"! They ran to him eagerly. "You were talking to the stranger," said his sister breathlessly. "She spoke to me first," said Leonidas, on the defensive. "What did she say?" "Wanted to know the eleckshun news," said Leonidas with cool mendacity, "and I told her." This improbable fiction nevertheless satisfied them. "What was she like?