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A rabbit across the brook paused and listened at the funnel-shaped mouth of his hole, which caught the sound and redoubled it. "Confound these boots!" said the Registrar, and pulling them off, tossed them among the primroses. They were "elastic-sides." The tapping ceased.

And spreading it on his knees, he took his whistle again and blew, reading his music from the blank pages, and piping a strain he had never dreamed of. For he whistled of Births and Marriages. O, happy Registrar! O, happy, happy Registrar! You will never get into those elastic-sides again.

Three small doors open from the landing a square place of about four feet by four. The first door is yours; it is open, and Decided odour of bedroom dust and fluff, damped and kneaded with cold soap-suds. The frayed ends of the skirt lie across a hopelessly-burst pair of elastic-sides which rest on their inner edges toes out and jerk about in a seemingly undecided manner.

But you mustn't speak of that in Bourke. But there's another youngster coming, and I'll swear that'll be Bogan's all right. "A curious thing about Bogan is that he's begun to be fidgety about his personal appearance and you know he wasn't a dood. He wears a collar now, and polishes his boots; he wears elastic-sides, and polishes 'em himself the only thing is that he blackens over the elastic.

But Mary preferred to sit quietly on the beach. "The dressing and undressing is such a trouble," said she. As it was, one of her elastic-sides was full of sand. Yes, Polly was Mary now, and had been, since the day Ned turned up again on Ballarat, accompanied by a wife and child.