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Nevertheless, he could not very well do without Zilla's society, and they were very much together as before, especially at the time of their confirmation. But when Eilert became a man, and mixed more with the people of the parish, he began to fancy that this old companionship lowered him somewhat in the eyes of his neighbours.

To beg "forgiveness" of the dead is the only helpful means against the consequences of such deeds as his, otherwise one will be dragged off at night, by an invisible hand, to the churchyard, though one were lashed fast to the bed by a ship's hawser. When Eilert, on the following "Preaching Sunday," went to church, he took very good care to go to the grave, and beg forgiveness of the dead.

Why couldn't he have kept the other knapsack why this particular one? Eilert replied that it was true the gentleman had offered him the other one, but he could see from the outside that it was not so good as this one. And I should remember that the money the missis had paid him hadn't covered more than the bill for one of them. So it was only reasonable that he should take the fullest knapsack.

Beside him, on the same block, sat a still more shrivelled and yellow little woman, who also had a crown on, and her garments were covered with all sorts of coloured stones; she was stirring up a brew with a stick. If she only had fire beneath it, the girl told Eilert, she and her husband would very soon have dominion again over the salt sea, for the thing she was stirring about was magic stuff.

But time flies, and therefore all who come down here below are asked by the bishop if they can tell him that name. At this Eilert felt very queer indeed, and he felt queerer still when he began reflecting and found, to his horror, that he also had forgotten that name. While he stood there in thought, the girl looked at him so anxiously.

I was innocent, though I may not have appeared so. It cannot be helped. "It's too bad I've got somebody in the best room," said Eilert. "They're gentlefolk from the city. They came down here through Stordalen, and they had to walk because the cars have stopped for the season. They've been in my house for quite some days, and I think they'll be staying on a while yet.

So she had beaten a retreat, with her friend and her knapsack. Well, it was not much to go away with, but perhaps that doesn't matter. As long as one has a reason to go away. Later in the forenoon Eilert returned home. He was alone, but he came up the path carrying one of the knapsacks the larger one.

Ah, well, the world is a small place; we meet friends and acquaintances everywhere. Here am I, meeting an old acquaintance, the thief of last winter, the pork thief. What luck, what a satisfaction! This was Eilert. He took in paying guests now. At first he pretended not to recognize me, but he soon gave that up.

The sea had been just right before, remarkably so, but now there was entirely too much of it. Why on earth did I feel so bad? An inner exhaustion, some emotional excitement, would have explained it. But I had experienced no emotional excitement. We rowed in the foam and feathery jets of spray. "She's rising fast!" cried Eilert, rowing with all his might.

I return to her knapsack and her clothes, and the reason why I do so is that Eilert is so little to be trusted. I want to count her clothes to make sure none of them disappear; it was a mistake not to have done so at once. It may seem as though I kept returning to these clothes and thinking about them; but why should I do that?