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The two antagonists stood face to face, feeling their way to a good grasp. They stroked one another affectionately, pinched one another in the side, and made little jesting remarks. "My goodness me, how fat you are, brother!" This was Anders. "And what breasts you've got! You might quite well be a woman," answered Gustav, feeling Anders' chest. "Eeh, how soft you are!"

"Must get on," she determined. Claire was dainty of habit. She detested untwisted hair, ripped gloves, muddy shoes. Hesitant as a cat by a puddle, she stepped down on the bridge. Even on these planks, the mud was three inches thick. It squidged about her low, spatted shoes. "Eeh!" she squeaked. She tiptoed to the tool-box and took out a folding canvas bucket.

The two antagonists stood face to face, feeling their way to a good grasp. They stroked one another affectionately, pinched one another in the side, and made little jesting remarks. "My goodness me, how fat you are, brother!" This was Anders. "And what breasts you've got! You might quite well be a woman," answered Gustav, feeling Anders' chest. "Eeh, how soft you are!"

A little later in the day Dorcas Knight came again and rapped at the door. "Ee hee! Eeh hee! Ee hee!" sobbed Cap. "Miss Day, your cousin, Craven Le Noir, wishes to speak with you alone." "Ee hee! Ee hee! Ee hee! I cannot see him!" sobbed Cap, in a low and suffocating voice.

"Here, Barny, thry your hand at this," said the good woman, who had not heard his ludicrous description of her fictitious son-in-law "eeh arran agus bee laudher, Barny, ate bread and be strong. I'll warrant when you begin to play, they'll give you little time to do anything but scrape away; taste the dhrink first, anyway, in the name o' God," and she filled him a glass.

'Oh, yes, I will! said he, laying on with redoubled ardour. 'I'll cut into him like smoke! Eeh! my word! but he shall sweat for it. This was very shocking; but I hoped in time to be able to work a reformation. 'Now you must put on your bonnet and shawl, said the little hero, 'and I'll show you my garden. 'And MINE, said Mary Ann.

"Yis, me hab, an' me hab come for to make a preeposol to Missie Ally." "A what, Bumble?" "A preeposol a digestion." "I suppose you mean a suggestion, eh?" "Yis, dat the berry ting." "Well, out with it." "Dis am it. Me ketch rock-coddles; well, me put 'em in bucket ob water an' bring 'em to you, Missie Ally, an' you put 'em into dat pool and tame 'em, an' hab great fun with 'em. Eeh! wot you tink?"