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Twenty years difference in age turns many an elegance into a barbarism; many a virtue into a vice-versa. I do not perform at breakfast for the edification of my offspring upon the mustache cup, but I chew my strawberry seeds, which they claim is worse. And now my daughters, who smoke cigarettes, object loudly to my pipe smoke! Autre temps autres manières. And no man is a hero to his children.

Those whom his adventurous spirit employed in the fisheries, and the just-commencing fur trade, missed him; his brethren of the congregation, wherein his voice, to the edification of his hearers, had often been lifted up in the "gift of prophecying," missed him; and his coadjutors in the government, to whom in more than one instance his keen natural sagacity had been a guide, and his zeal a stimulus and support, missed him; but it was only for a short time.

Leaving him thus haranguing the people, more to their amusement than edification, I returned to the house, and, having made some alteration in my toilet, hastened away to Wildfell Hall, with the book in my pocket; for it was destined for the shelves of Mrs. Graham.

"I know not," he says, "whether it would be a subject of much edification to convince you here that our Saviour, by the Prodigal Son, particularly pointed out those who were sinners of the Gentiles, and were recovered by divine grace to repentance; and that by the elder brother he intended manifestly the more forward of the Jews," &c.

But Bruin, who had probably eaten too much to listen with edification, grumbled in his low kind of language, that "Fine words butter no parsnips," by which he meant to say that there was no new honey forthcoming.

The act of water baptism hath not place in church worship, neither in whole nor in part; wherefore pressing it upon the church is to no purpose at all. Object. 'Why may you not as well say, that edification is greater than breaking of bread. Ans. So it is, else that should never have been instituted to edify withal; that which serveth, is not greater than he that is served thereby.

When of these and various other poetical effusions you were somewhat wearied, the literary fragments in bumbler prose afforded you equal edification and delight.

It must be evident that the cause of truth, and still more that of edification, will not be the losers.

I wish I could tell whether she was trying to make me angry for the benefit of those horrid unshaven men, or merely for her private edification." "By me, dolly. So is this pie. Let's get some medium to levitate us up to bed. Uh uh I think perhaps we'd better not try to drive clear to Seattle. If we just went through to Montana? or even just to Bismarck?" "Drive through with the hotels like this?

"You will board the brig with a boat's crew!" "Ya, mynherr!" "You will have one of your men to steer her all the time," went on Heemskirk, giving his orders in English, apparently for Jasper's edification. "You hear?" "Ya, mynherr." "You will remain on deck and in charge all the time." "Ya, mynherr."