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"Here's your lilacs," said Ellen, tossing him a nosegay. "I'll tell Liddy while she's eatin'. Liddy don't like me to talk much when she's workin'. But when she eats I can talk, an' I'll tell her then." She went on, singing, and Doctor June shook his head. "I don't know but Mr. Bliss is right," he said, "though I hope I can keep my doubts to myself and not brag about 'em, just to be the style.

"Are grizzly-bears eaten here?" inquired Ned Sinton, pausing in the act of mastication, to ask the question. "Eaten!" exclaimed the hunter, in surprise, "in coorse they is. They're uncommon good eatin' too, I guess. Many a one I've killed an' eaten myself; an' I like 'em better than beef I do.

Ju lit a cigar and hid nearly half of it in his capacious mouth. "I'd say," he went on, with a certain satisfaction, "ther's more mush-headed souses in this lay out to the square yard than I've ever heard tell of in any other city. Ef it wa'an't that way I couldn't see myself wastin' a valuable life lookin' at grass, hearin' talk of grass, smellin' grass, an' durned nigh eatin' grass.

I stake two claim one for you, one for me. It's dandy place for cabin! You look forty mile from dat spot. Mak' you feel jus' lak bird on top of high tree. Dere's plenty dry wood, too, an' down below is de Forks nice town wit' saloon an' eatin'- place. You can hear de choppin' an' de win'lass creakin' and smell de smoke. It's fine place for singin' songs up dere." "'Poleon!"

My findin' it out was one of the special Providences that's been helpin' along this last voyage of mine. My second mate was a Hyannis man, name of Cahoon. One day, on that pesky island, when we was eatin' dinner together, he says to me, 'Cap'n, he says, 'you're from Trumet, ain't you? I owned up. 'Know anybody named Coffin there? says he. I owned up to that, too.

Steer ain't got no right ter come roun' er eatin' up de co'n." "But w'y doan you go on, man? Mars Jasper'll git arter you." "I's gwine. Allus suthin' ter make er man work his j'ints," he moved off toward the door, and turning just before going out, said to Peters: "Yere come Miss Lou now." The girl came in singing, but seeing Peters, hushed, and turned to go out.

I guess I'll take some grape-fruit, too; and let me see I guess that'll do to start on Wait! What's that those folks are eatin' over there? Looks good spring chicken humm! I guess you'd like that better'n steak, ma? Yes. She'd rather have the chicken. All right, George, you hustle us in a nice meal and I'll make it all right with you. You understand." Adna called all waiters "George."

He broke out suddenly in anger: "What's eatin' you all? Why don't you go out an' help me find the girl? These whatfors an' whyfors can wait, I reckon." Blister dropped a bomb. "She's found." "Found!" Houck stared at the fat man. "Who found her? Where? When?" "Coupla hours ago. Here in this r-room.

"I shan't suck eggs, for no Romans or for no Phillippine." "Eat 'em with your spoon," sez I, "as you'd ort to." "Or with my knife," sez he. "Did you see them officers last night to the table eatin' sass with a knife? I should thought they'd cut their mouths open." "Well, it is their way here, Josiah.

"Please yourself," he said quietly. "Only don't say I didn't warn you!" "Ah-h!" sneered George, truculent in his amazement. "What's eatin' you?" "We're going to settle this question before you leave this warehouse. I won't be called Perceval by you or any other pink-eared cross between Balaam's ass and a laughing hyena." Mr.