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"Yes, yes; we are Madersley folk," said the young man, now turning and speaking eagerly to Fortune. "Well, sir, do you know anything about the children who were not in the circus to-day?" "I have heard of them, of course," said the man.

Why you can see," suddenly holding the letter towards him, "it isn't even like my writing. My s's, my m's they're not like that " "No, no," he said eagerly. "I see that they are not. I saw that at once." "You knew at once that it was a forgery?" "I knew at once. I never doubted for an instant." She sighed; then settled back into the pillow with a little shudder.

"I'm listening," he said eagerly. "The North Wind is one of the worst and most dangerous, because it blows so much faster than you think. It's taken you ten miles before you think you've gone two. In starting with a North Wind, always fly against it; then it will bring you home easily.

"Well, we could be there you and I." Paloma agreed eagerly. "Yes! Maybe we could even help them if they got into trouble." "Come, then! We'll have supper at Las Palmas and slip down to the river and wait." Paloma was gone with a rush. In a moment she returned, ready for the trip, and with her she carried a Winchester rifle nearly as long as herself.

Lieutenant Held, unable to control the violence of his cough, drew his dagger and eagerly implored his next neighbour to stab him to the heart, lest his infirmity should lead to the discovery of the whole party.

"Oh, well, you are different," said Alexia; "we always expect you around." "Thank you," said Jasper, with a low bow; "I'm sure I ought to feel very much complimented, Alexia," and he laughed again, "Oh, yes, they will," declared Jasper eagerly; "you don't know anything about it, if you say that. Why, Clare, and Pickering, and ever so many more are just wild to be asked."

One night, after they had been married for a long time, the man told his wife that he would like to go fishing. "Oh, yes! my husband," said the woman eagerly. "Go, and bring me some nice fish to-morrow, so that we can have a good meal." The man went out that same night to fish. And his wife was left alone in the house.

"Ask Old Cumberland," observed the ostler; "you ask Old Cumberland, Miss Nance!" and he bestowed a wink upon his favoured fair one. "Why that?" asked Jonathan. "He had his coat taken ay, and his shirt too," returned the ostler. "Is that so?" cried Jonathan eagerly. "Was you robbed too?" "That was I," replied Cumberland, "with a warrant! I was a well-to-do man when I was young." "Ay!

She was going to be an actress, yes, but not until some plum worthy of her beauty and youth was offered. Meanwhile she listened to the others, followed the history of the favourites of the stage eagerly, and never saw less than four shows a week.

"You should speak any word against the Master whom I serve," said the rector. "On philanthropic subjects I could go with you heart and soul." "I would not speak on a subject of which I know nothing," said Sally, eagerly. "I've told you that I am only a seeker after truth, picking up a scrap here and there as I can find it." "And you will reach the truth after a time," said Mr.