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It is a matter of daily remark by those who mix much and observantly among the poor not the class merely who struggle hard to preserve a decent appearance, and to drive destitution from their dwelling's but those who have no qualities which can engage, whose ordinary habits are those of intemperance, whose manners are rough, and whose language is coarse and obscure and to a class still lower, who are steeped in vice and crime, who seem regardless of God or man, and to whom society appears to have done its worst; that even in these rude, uncultivated, and depraved human beings, a strong under-current of natural feeling wells up and flows perpetually.

We came to thee and thou goest away: this is not fair. 'O my lady, answered he, 'by Allah, I flee from what I see; for the tongue of the case saith: She's the sun and her dwelling's in heaven on high; Look, then, to thine heart thou fair patience commend. Thou mayst not climb up to her place in the sky, Nor may she to thee from her heaven descend.

It was a long structure of but two stories, built solidly out of a dark, flinty stone with an indefinite pinkish glow against the lush sod and sombre, flat greenery of a young English ivy about a narrow, stiff portico. Howat crossed the lawn above the house, where a low wing, holding the kitchen and pantries, extended at right angles from the dwelling's length.

But I find only one direct allusion to the beauty of the fog itself: "There lies a little city in the hills; White are its roofs, dim is each dwelling's door, And peace with perfect rest its bosom fills. "There the pure mist, the pity of the sea, Comes as a white, soft hand, and reaches o'er And touches its still face most tenderly." In 1887 I had not read "The Silverado Squatters."

The sidewalks were covered with well-dressed men and women, carrying baskets, bundles, valises, or dragging trunks to spots of greater temporary safety, soon to be dragged farther, as the fire kept spreading! In the safer quarters, every doorstep was covered with the dwelling's tenants, sitting surrounded with their more indispensable chattels, and ready to flee at a minute's notice.

Severe Reverses among Planters. Tea Culture. Cinchona Plantations. Heavy Exportation of Tea. Cacao Culture. A Coffee Plantation described. Domesticated Snakes. The Cinnamon-Tree. Cinnamon Gardens a Disappointment. Picturesque Dwelling's. Forest Lands. The Ceylon Jungle. Native Cabinet Woods. Night in a Tropical Forest. Rhododendrons.

The plantings at the garden's and dwelling's front being properly, of course, lower than those farther back, I see among them, in this dream, the evergreen box and several kinds of evergreen ferns. I see two or three species of evergreen barberries, not to speak of Thunberg's leafless one warm red with its all-winter berries, the winter garden's rubric.

By a strange coincidence she seemed to suit the house she lived in one of those large white square dwelling's, devoid of ornament, yet possessing every substantial merit, and attaining, by virtue of their dimensions and simplicity, an effect of handsomeness denied to many more tricked-out building's. The house satisfied; so did Millie, unless the judge were very critical.

Not to have it so is an error, but the error is an inoffensive one easily corrected and the merit is that the dwelling's business path is greenly, bloomingly screened from its pleasure-ground by a lovely natural drapery which at the same time furnishes, as far as the path goes, the house's robes of modesty.

Dirk Sharp's house was rather smarter than the others, at least, it was in better repair; but the look which Noll caught of its interior, as he stood rapping by the open door, sufficed to destroy any anticipations of industry or thriftiness which he might have formed from the dwelling's exterior. Dirk was a great broad-shouldered, slouching fellow, with a general air of shiftlessness about him.