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Such an enormity, however, had destroyed the quiet loneliness of Duntarkin, and intruded its breadth of dust and gravel, and its associations of pochays and mail-coaches, upon one of the most sequestered spots in the Middle Ward of Clydesdale.

Treddles has fitted it up for the convenience of the country, poor man, he was a public-spirited man when he had the means." "Duntarkin a public-house!" I exclaimed. "Ay!" said the fellow, surprised at my naming the place by its former title; "ye'll hae been in this country before, I'm thinking?" "Long since," I replied.

I sallied from Castle Treddles, determined to make the best of my way to Duntarkin, and my cicerone hung by me for a little way, giving loose to his love of talking an opportunity which, situated as he was, the seneschal of a deserted castle, was not likely to occur frequently. "Some folk think," said my companion, "that Mr.

I wanted to get rid of this species of chat, and finding myself near the entrance of a footpath which made a short cut to Duntarkin, I put half a crown into my guide's hand, bade him good-evening, and plunged into the woods. "Hout, sir fie, sir no from the like of you. Stay, sir, ye wunna find the way that gate.

An hour's brisk walking, or thereabouts, placed me in front of Duntarkin, which had also, I found, undergone considerable alterations, though it had not been altogether demolished like the principal mansion. An inn-yard extended before the door of the decent little jointure-house, even amidst the remnants of the holly hedges which had screened the lady's garden.