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Now having a night, a day, and still another night following before me in New Bedford, ere I could embark for my destined port, it became a matter of concernment where I was to eat and sleep meanwhile. It was a very dubious-looking, nay, a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless. I knew no one in the place.

Only Francey But even in the old days it was only because of Francey that the Banditti had meant anything to him. The head waiter pushed across the counter a jug of yellowish liquid in which floated orange peel and a few tinned, dubious-looking cherries. "Take it, for God's sake! People who want muck like that ought to keep to Soho."

Two dubious-looking bronchos, a bay and a white, completed this unique equipage, in which we climbed the mesa and then descended into the valley of the Fontaine. The sable driver was disposed to be communicative, and ventured various opinions upon current topics. He had been through the war, and came West fourteen years ago. "You have had quite an adventurous life," we remarked.

To conclude, he was brave, loyal, and wonderfully sagacious and long-sighted; and was possessed of a great many shineing qualities, blended with a few vices, which, like patches on a beautifull face, seemed to give the greater eclat to his character. Behind him stands a dark, dubious-looking retainer, like an evil genius.

For more than a year, however, she was in the hands of the Bolsheviks, so that when we boarded her her sides were red with rust, her cabins had been stripped of everything which could be carried away, and the straw-filled mattresses, each covered with a dubious-looking blanket, were as full of unwelcome occupants as the Black Sea was of floating mines.

While our host was preparing a dubious-looking drink from sweet, bright-colored syrups and lukewarm water, I amused myself by glancing over the little stack of records on the table. They were, of course, nearly all Italian, but I came upon three that I knew well: "Loch Lomond," "Old Folks at Home" and "So Long, Letty." It was like meeting a party of old friends in a strange land.

Well, one day, when he was thinking on the matter, he found in the field an old Black-Art book, on the cover of which he read, 'One chapter will bring one, two chapters two, and so on; but set and keep them at work, lest a worst thing befall. So, to see what would come of it, he read one chapter; when a great, stout, dubious-looking devil made his appearance, and asked what he should go about?

All the time that he had been speaking, the dubious-looking men with carbines and dirty slouch hats had been gathering silently in such preponderating numbers that even Muscari was compelled to recognize his sally with the sword as hopeless.

Thus, in the hypnotic silence of high thoughts, the two young "Sanitists" arrived in Hound Street. In the doorway of No. 1 the son of the lame woman, Mrs. Budgen the thin, white youth as tall as Martin, but not so broad-stood, smoking a dubious-looking cigarette. He turned his lack-lustre, jeering gaze on the visitors. "Who d'you want?" he said.

"We're likely to land in jail," said Pee-wee, mildly protesting. "It isn't a question of whether we land in jail or not," said Tom, stolidly; "it's just a question of what we ought to do." "We should worry," said Roy. It was a draggled and exceedingly dubious-looking trio that made their way up the main street of Nyack.