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Weel do I ken that the dear craturs hae suffered for their exertions in the cause o' our sex, and their authority has been attempted to be put an end to by drunken caitiffs, wha, wantin the nobility o' mind to admire and serve wham they canna equal, blaw up their pot-companions against petticoat authority, by dubbin them henpecked, forgettin, the wretched craturs, that that very hen supplies often the egg, at least clocks to preserve it for future increase.

You can tell when the tanning is complete by the colour the skin assumes. When this satisfies the eye, take it out and drain on a rod. When nearly dry it should be curried with olive oil or clarified butter if required for wear, but if only for floor covering or carriage rug, the English curriers' common 'dubbin, sold by shopkeepers, is best.

Dubbin, far advanced in liquor, and trembling at every breath of summer wind that fluttered the ivy round the ruined window, and at every shadow that moved upon the moonlit wall.

By well cleaning the dust-pan with whitening, rubbing it up well with the clean rag until it had a nice surface, and then lightly passing a rag saturated with dubbin over it, you could produce a beautiful polish by a few slight touches of the "finisher." After this artistic process the dust-pan shone like an oriental mirror, and might have served a belle at her toilette.

They were clustered together in a little group somewhat apart from the rest of the company, and were attended upon by a lackey who brought a full tankard at the first whistle on the empty one, and whom Mr. Dubbin, after a rapid succession of brimmers, insisted on calling "drawer."

Dubbin being much complimented upon his having detected Spavinger's boots. "I ought to know 'em," he answered ruefully. "I lost a hundred meggs on him Toosday se'nnight, at Windsor races; and I had time to take the pattern of them boots while he was crawling in, a bad third." "Has your ladyship any commands for Paris?"

Twenty two-pound tins sultana raisins. Ten two-pound tins currants. Ten one-pound tins macaroni. Thirty tins Underwood deviled ham. Eighty tablets carbolic soap. Eighty packets toilet paper. Ten bottles Enos' fruit salt. Twenty one-pound tins plum pudding. Six tins curry powder. Twenty one-pound tins yellow Dubbin. Six one-pound tins veterinary vaseline. Six one-pound tins powdered sugar.

I love the smell of the leather and the sight of all those sharp little knives, and the black, shiny 'dubbin, do you call it? And we can have a talk about books till aunt comes home." "All right, lad. But it's a dusty place, and there's hardly a corner to sit down in."

Skis should never be kept in a hot place, as they are apt to warp, but they should be kept dry when put away. Boots should never be dried by a fire or on a heater, but should be stored in a cool place. They need occasional oiling of the uppers with some sort of boot oil. Dubbin may also be used and is good for filling places, such as between the sole and the upper.

Dubbin was released from his lady's sotto voce lecture at this instant, and Lord Rochester continued his communication in a whisper, the Honourable Jeremiah assenting with nods and chucklings, while Masaroon whistled for a fresh tankard, and plied the honest merchant with a glass which he never allowed to be empty.