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This day my wife and I in our way to Paternoster Row to buy things called upon Mr. Hollyard to advise upon her drying up her issue in her leg, which inclines of itself to dry up, and he admits of it that it should be dried up. 10th. Up and at my office looking after my workmen all the morning, and after the office was done did the same at night, and so home to supper and to bed. 11th.

The additional comfort of a good fire is given during the winter months, from October 18th till March 10th, for the purpose of drying their clothes and supplying hot water for their use. They go to bed at eight o'clock." This was satisfactory, except inasmuch as it appeared that supper was not to be forthcoming till seven o'clock, and it was now only twenty minutes past six.

There were no outward signs to show what the water ahead held in store for him. The whole business was most dangerous. He came out, feeling clean and invigorated. For a time he walked up and down the sands, drying himself in the hot sunshine and looking around him.

Among the miscellaneous contributions were grated beef, canisters of fresh salmon, 'admirable boiled mutton in tin cases, dried mullets, 'mouton rôti, fish, meats preserved in a fresh state by simple drying on a plan practised in Switzerland and preserved larks.

With the sinking of high human trust, the dignity of life sinks too; we cease to believe in our own better self, since that also is part of the common nature which is degraded in our thought; and all the finer impulses of the soul are dulled. Romola felt even the springs of her once active pity drying up, and leaving her to barren egoistic complaining. Had not she had her sorrows too?

But they had begun to dawn upon him painfully here; they rose gradually into perfect clearness: all things seen at last as what they were; with huge submarine earthquake for consequence, and total change of mind towards Imperial Majesty and the drying of his Pragmatic linen, in Friedrich Wilhelm. Amiable Orson, true to the heart; amiable, though terrible when too much put upon!

In like manner you must put roasted apples to make Past Royal of it, or else it will be tough in the drying. To make Orange Marmalet.

These huts are mere shelters of reeds, and, one would think, quite unfit for human habitation, but close by them the nets may be seen drying, and perhaps food in course of preparation over an open fire, while the boat, thrust into a creek or tied to a stake, occupies the foreground.

"You shan't" decided Aunt Maria. "Yes, you shall. You shall be professor of foreign languages in a Female College which I mean to have founded." Clara stared with astonishment, and then burst into a hearty fit of laughter, the two finishing the drying of her tears.

In hot or wet weather it is of some advantage to rub the string with an alcoholic solution of shellac. Compounds containing glue or any hard drying substance seem to cause the strings to break more readily. Paraffin, talcum powder, or a bit of tallow candle rubbed on the serving and nocking point is useful in making a clean release of the string.