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If a stream of pure water is available at a sufficient height, it may be led directly to the reservoir, or its current may be used to drive a water-wheel sufficient to do the pumping. In a majority of cases there will be found at no great distance a stream capable of supplying the water needed throughout the dryest season of the year, but not entirely free from organic impurities.

You can bear me out. All African peoples are alike in one thing they can go mad, and the madness of one infects the others. The English know this well enough. 'Where would you start the fire? he asked. 'Where the fuel is dryest. Up in the North among the Mussulman peoples. But there you must help me. I know nothing about Islam, and I gather that you do. 'Why? he asked.

But he might admit while reserving unlimited trust in the Wind of the Spirit and its power to blow exactly as it listeth, and to awaken the dryest of dry bones that circumstances are not incompatible with something like a decay in the novel: just as they were with a decay in the drama.

"Naturally," said Mr. Pyecroft, "I wish to know at what hour I am supposed to report for work." "Well Well " But for a moment Judge Harvey could get out no more. He just stared. Then in a voice of dryest sarcasm: "Would you consider it impudent on my part I wouldn't be impudent for the world, you know to inquire what might be your real name? I have heard you variously called Mr. Simpson, Mr.

This is the second of St. Luke's Virgins we have seen. Once a year all these holy relics are carried in procession through the streets of Milan. I like to revel in the dryest details of the great cathedral. The building is five hundred feet long by one hundred and eighty wide, and the principal steeple is in the neighborhood of four hundred feet high.

"I'm sorry to have made you all this trouble." She was not someways; she was lawlessly, inordinately glad. The "trouble" for Van had been the most precious experience in all his life. "It has been one wild spasm of delight," he said in his dryest manner of sarcasm. "But between us, Kent, I'm glad it's no continuous performance." He went over the ridge, she following.

There is nothing like a dread of being bored for blunting your psychological instinct. In the course of the day he sent off a letter to the Rector intimating in the very briefest, dryest way that the cottages should be rebuilt on a different site as soon as possible, and enclosing a liberal contribution toward the expenses incurred in fighting the epidemic.

For herewith may marsh-land be thoroughly drained, or dry land perfectly watered; great cities kept sweet and wholesome; mines rid of the water gathering from springs therein, so as he may enrich himself withal; houses be served plentifully on every stage; and gardens in the dryest summer beautified and comforted with fountains.

'It is the dryest village I ever saw; and I don't believe there is anything like a fountain within a mile. Her father's house was one of the white boxes with green shutters. It enjoyed a dignified seclusion behind a plaster wall, which looked as if anyone might knock it down in very wantonness. The baby-boy had varied the monotony of his solitary sports by picking little bits out of it.

"Guess that's no lie," commented Griffith in his dryest tone. Blake relaxed the grip that seemed to be crushing the arms of his chair. "Well, I went aboard and kept under cover. Jimmy managed to keep her diverted till we put into Port Mozambique.