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However, no leak developed, and the captain, growling "no matter," informed Mr. Burns that he had made up his mind to take the ship to Hong-Kong and drydock her there. At this Mr. Burns was plunged into despair. For indeed, to beat up to Hong-Kong against a fierce monsoon, with a ship not sufficiently ballasted and with her supply of water not completed, was an insane project.

It still lacked an hour of daylight when the allied fleet drew off, its work accomplished; and behind in the ports now sealed, the anger of the Germans flared forth anew. The damaged British ships were immediately put into drydock in British ports, and Jack and Frank at once returned to Dover to report to Lord Hastings. The latter greeted the lads with outstretched hands.

When they reported back again at their ship they found that the Dewey, slightly damaged, had been put into drydock and repairs were going steadily ahead. To their great joy they learned that Lieutenant McClure had not been injured seriously and was convalescing in a nearby hospital. They visited "Little Mack," who by now had heard the whole story of his rescue.

"No sane man floats a leaky ship. Go to drydock and patch up your reputation, and in a few years you'll come out as good as new." All his unprincipled life Pelton had compromised with honor to gain the coveted goal he now saw slipping from him. A kind of madness of despair surged up in him.

The whole thing was a surprise to Ted and Jack. They had expected to be kept in the yard a long time, quartered on the training ship. To get into active service so soon was more than they anticipated. Marched across the navy yard they soon came in sight of the Dewey -a long cigar-shaped castle of steel, sitting low in the water, riding easy at the end of a tow line near the drydock.

My only communication was with an occasional familiar name in the reports of the Shipping List. Then Macandrew came home again. But it was difficult to meet him. Mrs. Macandrew told me he was working by his ship in drydock. They had had trouble with the engines that voyage, and she herself had seen little of him, except to find him, when she came down of a morning, asleep in the drawing-room.

Cortlandt fancied his eyes were following a particular figure, for she responded, "And how did you like her?" "Like her Miss Benson? Why, I didn't see much of her. I thought she was very intelligent seemed very much interested when Lieutenant Green was explaining to her what made the drydock dry but they were all that. Did you say her eyes were gray?

What might have been a bank building in Utopia, an old Spanish galleon in drydock, or the exterior of a German beer garden according to the cover of Vogue occupied the center of the scene. The bricks were violet and old gold, sprayed with tomato juice and marked by the indeterminate silver tracks of snails.

'Ye'll not take her oot wi' a solution o' continuity that like. "'They'll putty it up this evening, he said. 'I'm a married man, an' ye used to know the Board. "I e'en said what was gied me in that hour. Ye know how a drydock echoes. I saw young Steiner standin' listenin' above me, an', man, he used language provocative of a breach o' the peace.

With an effort he pulled out his notes and smoothed them nervously; but though his gaze was fixed on the pages, not a line of Blessington's clear writing reached his mind. He glanced at the face of the Speaker, then at the faces on the Treasury Bench, then once more he leaned back in his seat. The man beside him saw the movement. "Funking the drydock?" he whispered, jestingly.