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"Tha's right too. But Brad needs them water-holes in his business bad. Without 'em he loses the whole Round Top range. He might take a crack at turning the screws on yore father." "You don't think ?" She stopped, to fight back a sob that filled her soft throat. Dave was not sure what he thought, but he answered cheerfully and instantly. "No, I don't reckon they've dry-gulched him or anything.

We'll leave a note here for the boss. Tack it to this cottonwood. If we don't show up in a reasonable time he'll trail back an' find out what for not." "That'd do us a lot of good if Houck had dry-gulched us." Dud laughed. "You're the lad with the imagination. Far as Houck goes, an' Bandy Walker, too, for that matter, I'll make you a present of the pair of 'em as two sure-enough bad eggs.

I expect you've heard of that too." "Did this Stuart find out who was doing the rustlin'?" "He was right smart an' overbearin'. Too much so for his own good. Some of the boys served notice on him he was liable to get dry-gulched if he didn't take the trail back where he come from. But Jas was right obstinate an' he had sand in his craw. I'll say that for him.

"I'll mention to the boys that Morrow sold out the interests of the Three Bar while he was drawing down your pay. They'll pass sentence on him right sudden. Four hours from now they'll have dry-gulched him so far from nowhere that even the coyotes can't find him." "Not that," she said. "Turn him over to the sheriff. You caught him in the act." "In the act of missing a few cows on his detail.