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The Church should be the highest example of such combination, for it is the shrine of the noblest life, even the life of its indwelling Lord. Every member of it should have and know his place. Every Christian should know his part in the great chorus, for he has a part, even if it is only that of tinkling the triangle in the orchestra or beating a drum.

The Mawsmai and the Mawmluh people used to hear it, and they attributed it to the god "Mawlong Siem," who beat the drum for his children to dance to. At any rate, when this sound is heard, it never fails to portend the death of a Siem. It appears that this hill was called "Mawlong Siem" for that reason. U Mawlong Siem ha Mawsmai.

It was a great thing to be captain of a great ship so great a thing, so great a chance, that of the adventurers who had bravely fought on yesterday more than one felt his cheek grow hot and the blood drum in his ears. Arden cared not for preferment, but Henry Sedley's eyes were very eager.

Those fresh troops at the crossroads that day had been blithe and smiling. There had been none of the glitter and panoply of war, but there had been movement, the beating of a drum, the sharp cries of officers as the lines re-formed. Here there were no lines. Just such a stream of men as at home might issue at night from a coal mine, too weary for speech.

"I haven't seen her since I haven't seen her for years," she said. "She wasn't happy with me then. She'll be much less likely to be now." "Older," said grandmother. "More difficult. Keep her out of here." It seemed to Esther there was no sympathy for her in the world, even if she got drum and fife and went out to beat it up.

Then like the snap of bullets came the staccato voice through the open door of the compartment. "Find out why we are stopping in this beastly hole, Kemp, and get me something cold to drink." Kemp, sailing down the aisle, like a Lilliputian drum major, tripped over Randy's foot. "Beg pardon, sir," he said, and sailed on. Randy looked after him. "'His Master's voice "

It is a moving poem. "Oh, may we never love as those have loved! "This is the third and last good-bye. Good-bye." The younger Cary turned and resolutely walked away. Miss Dandridge rose and followed him. He did not turn his head, and the thick turf could not echo her light footfall. He walked firmly, with the port of a man who hears a distant drum beat to action.

It was a great and impressive spectacle. As I think of it I seem to feel the quieting of the headlong thoroughfares of Chicago, the hushing of the thud and drum of the overhead railways in New York, and then the slow ringing of the bells in the square tower of that old Puritan Church in Boston all calm and peaceful now as a New England village on Sunday morning.

Having consulted with his friends and patrons, he divided the hours, and gave half of the time usually allotted to religion or morality to the study of military exercise. His pupils, however, remained obstinate, broke the drum, and tore and burnt the colours he had bought.

There was a sudden outbreak of military ardor in the province; the sound of drum and fife was heard in the villages with the parade of recruiting parties. Lawrence Washington, now twenty-two years of age, caught the infection. He obtained a captain's commission in the newly raised regiment, and embarked with it for the West Indies in 1740.